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ReportRef ReportTitle ReportType ReportDate Authors AuthoringBody MapID < 2009 Post datesort descending
La Gratitude, Stellenbosch: Archaeological excavations on site of an earlier outbuilding La Gratitude, Stellenbosch: Archaeological excavations on site of an earlier outbuilding Archaeological Permit Report 01/01/2004 Hennie Vos ArCape CTS_3572 16/06/2012 - 08:54
Land-en-Zeezicht, remnant (Erf 4070), Somerset West: Structural & archaeological assessment of historical buildings & werf Land-en-Zeezicht, remnant (Erf 4070), Somerset West: Structural & archaeological assessment of historical buildings & werf AIA Phase 1 01/01/2004 Hennie Vos ArCape 16/06/2012 - 08:54
Langlaagte to Rustenburg Pipeline Langlaagte to Rustenburg Pipeline AIA Phase 1 16/06/2012 Simon Hall 16/06/2012 - 08:54
Lanzerac Landgoed: Die 1830 plaasopstal: Oorsigtelike ondersoek van mure Lanzerac Landgoed: Die 1830 plaasopstal: Oorsigtelike ondersoek van mure AIA Phase 1 01/01/1992 Hennie Vos Stellenbosch Museum CTS_3575 16/06/2012 - 08:54
Leeuwen Street 16 (Plot 2713), Galloway House, Cape Town: Historical overview & structural investigations Leeuwen Street 16 (Plot 2713), Galloway House, Cape Town: Historical overview & structural investigations AIA Phase 1 01/01/2006 Hennie Vos ArCape 16/06/2012 - 08:54
Lotus River Canal between the N2 and New Duinefontein road. Lotus River Canal between the N2 and New Duinefontein road. Archaeological Permit Report 08/01/2001 A Malan 16/06/2012 - 08:54
Madikwe Madikwe AIA Phase 1 16/06/2012 Thomas Huffman University of the Witwatersrand - Archaeological Resources Management 16/06/2012 - 08:54
Magaliesberg/Krugersdorp Magaliesberg/Krugersdorp AIA Phase 1 16/06/2012 Thomas Huffman University of the Witwatersrand - Archaeological Resources Management 16/06/2012 - 08:54
Middle Stone Age Sequences at Excavations Dke8 and Dke13, Diamond Koppie, Vogelsruispan 101, Francis Baard District, Northern Cape, South Africa Middle Stone Age Sequences at Excavations Dke8 and Dke13, Diamond Koppie, Vogelsruispan 101, Francis Baard District, Northern Cape, South Africa AIA Phase 2 16/06/2012 Karen Van Ryneveld 16/06/2012 - 08:54
Mitigating and managing heritage reources within the Rietvley Silica Mine on Portions of the farm Rietvley 271JQ in the Magaliesberg near Rustenburg in the North West Province Mitigating and managing heritage reources within the Rietvley Silica Mine on Portions of the farm Rietvley 271JQ in the Magaliesberg near Rustenburg in the North West Province AIA Phase 1 08/01/2010 Julius CC Pistorius 16/06/2012 - 08:54
Mitigating and managing heritage resources witin the Horizon Chrome Mine on portions of the farm Ruighoek 169JP neat the Pilanesburg in the North West Province Mitigating and managing heritage resources witin the Horizon Chrome Mine on portions of the farm Ruighoek 169JP neat the Pilanesburg in the North West Province AIA Phase 1 08/01/2010 Julius CC Pistorius 16/06/2012 - 08:54
Mmabatho Powerline Mmabatho Powerline AIA Phase 1 16/06/2012 C Louw 16/06/2012 - 08:54
Morris Point Stillbay Morris Point Stillbay AIA Phase 1 16/06/2012 Timothy Hart, Dave Halkett ACO Associates CC 16/06/2012 - 08:54
Mossel Bay Archaeology Project (SAHRA Export Permit 80/05/11/012/52) Report for the South African Heritage Resources Agency Mossel Bay Archaeology Project (SAHRA Export Permit 80/05/11/012/52) Report for the South African Heritage Resources Agency Archaeological Permit Report 09/01/2006 Curtis W. Marean, Peter Nilssen 16/06/2012 - 08:54
Market Street 15 (Plot 6144), Stellenbosch: Historical and structural investigations Market Street 15 (Plot 6144), Stellenbosch: Historical and structural investigations AIA Phase 1 01/01/2006 Hennie Vos ArCape 16/06/2012 - 08:54
Matla Power Station Matla Power Station AIA Phase 1 16/06/2012 Anton van Vollenhoven Archaetnos CC 16/06/2012 - 08:54
Meerlust Farm: Barn, c.1700: Preliminary Phase I survey (May) Meerlust Farm: Barn, c.1700: Preliminary Phase I survey (May) AIA Phase 1 01/01/1995 Hennie Vos Stellenbosch Museum CTS_3582 16/06/2012 - 08:54
Meerlust Farm: Documentation of c.1700 tripartile barn Meerlust Farm: Documentation of c.1700 tripartile barn 01/01/1995 Hennie Vos Stellenbosch Museum CTS_3583 16/06/2012 - 08:54
Mostertsdift Farm, Erf 15568 Mostertsdift Farm, Erf 15568, Stellenbosch: Investigation of historic farmyard features associated with historic and new costructions AIA Phase 1 01/01/2007 Hennie Vos ArCape CTS_3590 16/06/2012 - 08:54
Mostertsdrif, wynkelder: Oorsigtelike ondersoek Mostertsdrif, wynkelder: Oorsigtelike ondersoek 01/01/2003 Hennie Vos ArCape CTS_3591 16/06/2012 - 08:54
Motorhawe perseel te 96-98 Dorpstraat, Stellenbosch: Historiese en argeologiese ondersoek Motorhawe perseel te 96-98 Dorpstraat, Stellenbosch: Historiese en argeologiese ondersoek AIA Phase 1 01/01/2000 Hennie Vos ArCape 16/06/2012 - 08:54
MSc thesis (draft): Gladysvale MSc thesis (draft): Gladysvale Archaeological Permit Report 16/06/2012 Rodrigo Lacruz 16/06/2012 - 08:54
Muratie, Stellenbosch: Strukturele ondersoek van 'n 18de eeuse buitegebou Muratie, Stellenbosch: Strukturele ondersoek van 'n 18de eeuse buitegebou 01/01/1998 Hennie Vos ArCape 16/06/2012 - 08:54
Myrtle Grove (Ongegund), Sir Lowry's Pass: Oorsigtelike strukturele ondersoek (Junie) Myrtle Grove (Ongegund), Sir Lowry's Pass: Oorsigtelike strukturele ondersoek (Junie) 01/01/1997 Hennie Vos ArCape 16/06/2012 - 08:54
N1 Toll Rd Naboomspruit N1 Toll Rd Naboomspruit AIA Phase 1 16/06/2012 Thomas Huffman University of the Witwatersrand - Archaeological Resources Management 16/06/2012 - 08:54
Nietgegund farm, Stellenbosch: A short report on the manor house Nietgegund farm, Stellenbosch: A short report on the manor house 01/01/1983 Hennie Vos Stellenbosch Museum CTS_3597 16/06/2012 - 08:54
Noordsigbuurt Rustenburg Noordsigbuurt Rustenburg HIA Phase 1 16/06/2012 Julius CC Pistorius 16/06/2012 - 08:54
North Wharf Table Bay North Wharf Table Bay AIA Phase 1 16/06/2012 Martin Hall 16/06/2012 - 08:54
NR 2 and NR 5 Reservoirs at Jimmy Jones 205 LS, Mavi-Hambe Village and at the Malai-Mulele Municipal Depot NR 2 and NR 5 Reservoirs at Jimmy Jones 205 LS, Mavi-Hambe Village and at the Malai-Mulele Municipal Depot AIA Phase 1 16/06/2012 Johnny Van Schalkwyk National Cultural History Museum 16/06/2012 - 14:33
Nyasa House, Van Riebeeckstraat 13, Stellenbosch Nyasa House, Van Riebeeckstraat 13, Stellenbosch 01/01/1994 Hennie Vos Stellenbosch Museum 16/06/2012 - 14:33
October 2006 Progress Report: Excavation Permits 80/04/08/017/51 & 80/04/08/018/51 October 2006 Progress Report: Excavation Permits 80/04/08/017/51 & 80/04/08/018/51 Archaeological Permit Report 16/06/2012 Isabelle Parsons 16/06/2012 - 14:33
October 2006 Progress Report: Permits to Destroy Archaeological Material 80/04/08/022/51,80/04/08/023/51 & 80/04/08/024/51 October 2006 Progress Report: Permits to Destroy Archaeological Material 80/04/08/022/51,80/04/08/023/51 & 80/04/08/024/51 Archaeological Permit Report 16/06/2012 Isabelle Parsons 16/06/2012 - 14:33
Old Cabriere, Franschhoek: A short report Old Cabriere, Franschhoek: A short report 01/01/1981 Hennie Vos Stellenbosch Museum CTS_3604 16/06/2012 - 14:33
Olympics 2004: Initial Environmental Impact Assessment: Culemborg & Wingfield Olympics 2004: Initial Environmental Impact Assessment: Culemborg & Wingfield AIA Phase 1 01/01/1996 Graham Avery Iziko: South African Museum 16/06/2012 - 14:33
Patryse Valley, Stellenbosch: Historical and structural investigations of the farm portion Edgbaston Patryse Valley, Stellenbosch: Historical and structural investigations of the farm portion Edgbaston AIA Phase 1 01/01/2000 Hennie Vos ArCape CTS_3616 16/06/2012 - 14:33
Onverwacht Archaeological Scoping Survey Onverwacht Archaeological Scoping Survey AIA Desktop 01/01/2004 Mary Patrick Cape Archaeological Survey CC 16/06/2012 - 14:33
Ou Rhenish Laerskoolperseel: Opgradering tot parkeergebied Ou Rhenish Laerskoolperseel: Opgradering tot parkeergebied AIA Phase 1 01/01/1996 Hennie Vos Stellenbosch Museum 16/06/2012 - 14:33
Oude Bloemhof-perseel, Stellenbosch: 'n Historiese argeologiese ondersoek. In opdrag van Absa Eiendomme Oude Bloemhof-perseel, Stellenbosch: 'n Historiese argeologiese ondersoek. In opdrag van Absa Eiendomme AIA Phase 1 01/01/1994 Hennie Vos, B Heydenrych Stellenbosch Museum 16/06/2012 - 14:33
Oude Hoek, Stellenbosch: Lotte 1 & 2 van die begrafplaas (1683 - 1783) tot en met Stellenbosch Furniture Co: Historiese, strukturele en argeologiese ondersoek van erf 1254 gedurende 2003 Oude Hoek, Stellenbosch: Lotte 1 & 2 van die begrafplaas (1683 - 1783) tot en met Stellenbosch Furniture Co: Historiese, strukturele en argeologiese ondersoek van erf 1254 gedurende 2003 AIA Phase 1 01/01/2005 Hennie Vos ArCape 16/06/2012 - 14:33
Oude Nektar Oude Nektar AIA Phase 1 16/06/2012 Hennie Vos University of Pretoria CTS_3610 16/06/2012 - 14:33
Oude Nektar Volkshuisie Oude Nektar Volkshuisie Heritage Study 01/04/1992 Hennie Vos Stellenbosch Museum CTS_3611 16/06/2012 - 14:33
Palaeontologia Africana Vols. 37-40 (2001- 2004) Palaeontologia Africana Vols. 37-40 (2001- 2004) Palaeontological Permit Report 01/01/2001 Bruce Rubidge Evolutionary Studies Institute 16/06/2012 - 14:33
Palaeontologia Africana Volume 43 April 2008 Palaeontologia Africana Volume 43 April 2008 Archaeological Permit Report 16/06/2012 Evolutionary Studies Institute 16/06/2012 - 14:33
Palaeontological Assessment of Potential Sites for the Rietvlei Environmental Centre (3318CD & 3318DC) Palaeontological Assessment of Potential Sites for the Rietvlei Environmental Centre (3318CD & 3318DC) PIA Phase 1 01/01/1998 Graham Avery Iziko: South African Museum 16/06/2012 - 14:33
PAST Report 2008 PAST Report 2008 Archaeological Permit Report 10/01/2008 Heidi Fourie 16/06/2012 - 14:33
Pearl Valley, Klein Drakenstein: Country estate and golf resort: First Phase assessment of ruin (May) Pearl Valley, Klein Drakenstein: Country estate and golf resort: First Phase assessment of ruin (May) AIA Phase 1 01/01/2001 Hennie Vos ArCape 16/06/2012 - 14:33
Perskebult Perskebult AIA Phase 1 16/06/2012 Thomas Huffman University of the Witwatersrand - Archaeological Resources Management 16/06/2012 - 14:33
Phase 1 archaeological impact assessment: portion 76, 77 and 78 of the farm Craigie Burn 202 Pacaltsdorp, George Phase 1 archaeological impact assessment: portion 76, 77 and 78 of the farm Craigie Burn 202 Pacaltsdorp, George AIA Phase 1 09/01/2008 Mary Patrick Cape Archaeological Survey CC 16/06/2012 - 14:33
Phase 1 Cultural and Archaeological Heritage Assessment Specialist Study for the Proposed Construction of New Dikgalopeng Eskom Substation Phase 1 Cultural and Archaeological Heritage Assessment Specialist Study for the Proposed Construction of New Dikgalopeng Eskom Substation AIA Phase 1 12/01/2005 McEdward Murimbika Nzumbululo Heritage Solutions 16/06/2012 - 14:33
Phase 1 Cultural and Archaeological Heritage Assessment Specialist Study for the Proposed Dikgale Filling Station in Polokwane Local Municipality Area of Limpopo Province Phase 1 Cultural and Archaeological Heritage Assessment Specialist Study for the Proposed Dikgale Filling Station in Polokwane Local Municipality Area of Limpopo Province AIA Phase 1 12/01/2005 McEdward Murimbika Nzumbululo Heritage Solutions 16/06/2012 - 14:33



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