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ReportRef ReportTitle ReportType ReportDate Authors AuthoringBody MapID < 2009 Post datesort ascending
9-2-069-0001-20051001-ACRM Phase 1 Archaeological Impact Assessment Proposed Housing Development on the Farm Diamant Paarl AIA Phase 1 01/10/2005 Jonathan Kaplan Agency for Cultural Resources Management MAPID_00205 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-069-0002-20001128-ACO Meerlust Bosbou - Archaeological Assessment AIA Phase 1 28/11/2000 Timothy Hart ACO Associates CC MAPID_00169 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-069-0002-20010801-ACRM Heritage impact Assessment Portion of Farm 739 Klapmuts AIA Phase 1 01/08/2001 Jonathan Kaplan Agency for Cultural Resources Management MAPID_02960 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-069-0002-20030401-ACRM Phase 1 Archaeological Impact Assessment Proposed Development Erf 23347, Paarl AIA Phase 1 01/04/2003 Jonathan Kaplan Agency for Cultural Resources Management MAPID_02787 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-069-0002-20050330-ACRM Phase 1 Archaeological Impact Assessment of Farm 717 (Groenfontein) Klapmuts Western Cape Province AIA Phase 1 30/03/2005 Jonathan Kaplan Agency for Cultural Resources Management MAPID_00060 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-069-0002-20070101-CA Archaeological Impact Assessment: Valley Conference Venue (Paarl, Drakenstein Municipality, Western Cape) AIA Phase 1 01/01/2007 Hilary Deacon MAPID_01364 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-069-0002-20070601-ACRM Phase 1 Archaeological Impact Assessment: Proposed Development Portion 7 of Farm 716 Klapmuts, Western Cape Province AIA Phase 1 01/06/2007 Jonathan Kaplan Agency for Cultural Resources Management MAPID_02736 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-069-0002-20070821-CA Archaeological Impact Assessment: Tomis Abattoir Compost Facility (Farm Annex Schoongezicht 254/5, Division Tulbagh, Drakenstein Municipality, Western Cape) AIA Phase 1 21/08/2007 Hilary Deacon MAPID_02876 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-069-0002-20070901-CSD Specialist Heritage Investigation Gravity Outfall Sewer, South Paarl & Siting for New South Paarl Wastewater Treatment Works AIA Phase 1 01/09/2007 Timothy Hart ACO Associates CC MAPID_02877 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0043-19990101-ACO An Archaeological Assessment of Power Line Routes Between Muisvlak and Eksteenfontein, Richtersveld AIA Phase 1 01/01/1999 Dave Halkett ACO Associates CC MAPID_00462 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0043-20050428-PAHS Archaeological Assessment of the Proposed Upgrading of the Gravel Road Between Alexander Bay and Khubus, Richtersveld, Northern Cape AIA Phase 1 28/04/2005 Cobus Dreyer MAPID_00925 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0043-20080610-PAHS First Phase Archaeological and Cultural Heritage Assessment of the Proposed Water Flow Measuring Weir Site in the Orange River at Blouputs, Northern Cape AIA Phase 1 10/06/2008 Cobus Dreyer MAPID_01620 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0047-20000701-McGM Archaeological Specialist Report: Desktop Assessment of Possible Archaeological Resources Along the Proposed 400 kV Transmission Line Route, Helios to Aggeneis, Northern Cape AIA Phase 1 01/07/2000 David Morris McGregor Museum 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-068-0005-20061102-PAHS First Phase Archaeological and Cultural Heritage Assessment of the Proposed Residential Developments at Schoemanshoek, Oudtshoorn, South Western Cape AIA Phase 1 02/11/2006 Cobus Dreyer MAPID_02869 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0034-20070201b-NONE Micromammals: When Humans Are the Hunters Archaeological Permit Report 01/02/2007 Genevieve Dewar, Antonieta Jerardino 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0034-20070201-NONE Implications of a Mass Kill Site of Springbok (AntidorCape Archaeological Survey CC Marsupialis) in South Africa: Hunting Practices, Gender Relations, and Sharing in the Later Stone Age Archaeological Permit Report 01/02/2007 Genevieve Dewar, Dave Halkett, Timothy Hart, Jayson Orton, Judith Sealy 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0035-19920827-AlbMus Jakkalsberg Archaeological Permit Report 27/08/1992 Lita Webley Albany Museum 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0034-20010501c-ACO Recovery of a Human Burial from the Farm Somnaas Namaqualand AIA Phase 1 01/05/2001 Timothy Hart, Dave Halkett ACO Associates CC MAPID_01304 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0034-20010901-ACO A Report on Archaeological Excavations on the Orange River Floodplain Between Jakkelsberg and Sendelingsdrift: Richtersveld Archaeological Permit Report 01/09/2001 Dave Halkett ACO Associates CC MAPID_00459 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0034-20020401-ACO Phase 1 Archaeological Survey: Assessment of Mining Blocks in the BMC and KN Areas, Namaqualand AIA Phase 1 01/04/2002 Dave Halkett ACO Associates CC 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0034-20030801-ACO Osteobiographical Report for the De Beers Skeleton Archaeological Permit Report 01/08/2003 Genevieve Dewar ACO Associates CC 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0034-20030901-ACO A Report on the Archaeological Mitigatio Program at De Beers Namaqualand Mines March 2002 to June 2003 AIA Phase 2 01/09/2003 Dave Halkett ACO Associates CC MAPID_00460 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0034-20040701-ACO Phase 1 Archaeological Survey: Assessment of Mining Blocks and Prospecting Trenches in the BMC and KNC Areas, Namaqualand AIA Phase 1 01/07/2004 Dave Halkett, Jayson Orton ACO Associates CC 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0034-20070201a-NONE The Archaeology of the Coastal Desert of Namaqualand, South Africa: A Regional Synthesis Archaeological Permit Report 01/02/2007 Genevieve Dewar 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0004-20060201-ACO Mitigation of Archaeological Sites Within the Buffels Marine and Koingnaas Complexes, November to December 2005 (Draft) AIA Phase 2 01/02/2006 Dave Halkett, Jayson Orton ACO Associates CC MAPID_00458 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0004-20070501-ACO Archaeological Impact Assessment of New Mining Areas Along the Buffels River, Namaqualand, Namakwaland Magisterial District, Northern Cape AIA Phase 1 01/05/2007 Jayson Orton, Dave Halkett ACO Associates CC MAPID_01073 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0034-20000501-ACO Heritage Sites in De Beers Namaqualand Mines: A Conservation and Management Handbook 01/05/2000 Dave Halkett, Timothy Hart ACO Associates CC MAPID_01638 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0034-20010501-ACO An Inspection and Assessment of a Middle Stone Age Site at the Groen River Mouth: Namaqualand AIA Phase 1 01/05/2001 Timothy Hart, Dave Halkett ACO Associates CC MAPID_01303 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0004-20040801-McGM Archaeological Resources Inland from Kleinzee: A Phase 1 Archaeological Impact Assessment AIA Phase 1 01/08/2004 David Morris McGregor Museum MAPID_00457 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0004-20051101-ACO Phase 1 Archaeological Survey of a Small Area at Annex Kleinsee, Buffels Marine Complex, Namaqualand AIA Phase 1 01/11/2005 Jayson Orton ACO Associates CC MAPID_00924 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0001-20080725-NVCC Recommended Exemption from Palaeontological Impact Study: Proposed Upgrading of DR 2959 from the N7 to Bulletrap (Springbok, N. Cape) 25/07/2008 John E Almond Natura Viva CC 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0001-20080801-ACRM An Archaeological Assessment of Three Borrow Pits Alongside DR 2959 from N7 to Bulletrap, Northern Cape Province AIA Phase 1 01/08/2008 Jonathan Kaplan Agency for Cultural Resources Management 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0002-20000801-ACRM Archaeological Assessment Proposed Telkom Terminal Site, Kotzesrus Garies District, Northern Cape AIA Phase 1 01/08/2000 Jonathan Kaplan Agency for Cultural Resources Management 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0004-19971101-ACO Proposed Modifications to the Golf Course at Kleinzee AIA Phase 1 01/11/1997 Dave Halkett ACO Associates CC MAPID_01302 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0004-19980101-ACO Phase 1 Archaeological Survey: Assessment of the Proposed 1998 Mining Blocks on the Buffels Marine (BMC), Koingnaas (KN) and Buffels Inland (BIC) Complexes AIA Phase 1 01/01/1998 Timothy Hart, Dave Halkett ACO Associates CC 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0001-20040422-CA Specialist Report Heritage Impact Assessment Kornavlei Prospecting, near Komaggas, Northern Cape AIA Phase 1 22/04/2004 Hilary Deacon MAPID_01798 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0001-20060101-EAEC Application for Inclusion on the World Heritage List: The Richtersveld Cultural and Botanical Landscape Heritage Study 01/01/2006 Mark Thornton, Francois Odendaal, Annelise le Roux, J Norbert Jurgens, Andrew Hall EcoAfrica Environmental Consultants MAPID_00618 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0001-20070104-McGM Phase 1 Heritage Impact Assessment Report on a Portion of the Farm Kabis 27 near Goodhouse, Namaqua District Municipality, Northern Cape Province AIA Phase 1 04/01/2007 Peter Beaumont McGregor Museum MAPID_01000 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0001-20070730-ACRM Request: Exemption from Having to Undertake a Phase 1 Archaeological Impact Assessment of the Proposed Upgrading of the Vioolsdrift Border Post, Northern Cape Province HIA Letter of Exemption 30/07/2007 Jonathan Kaplan Agency for Cultural Resources Management MAPID_01001 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0001-20070806-BPI Palaeontological Desktop Study in Namaqualand PIA Phase 1 06/08/2007 Bruce Rubidge Evolutionary Studies Institute MAPID_00922 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0001-20070905-ACO Archaeological Impact Assessment of Erven 13, 14 & 392, Hondeklipbaai, Namakwa Magisterial District, Northern Cape Province AIA Phase 1 05/09/2007 Jayson Orton ACO Associates CC MAPID_01002 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0001-20080327-PAHS First Phase Archaeological and Cultural Heritage Assessment of the Proposed Upgrading of the R358 Road and Borrow Pit Sites Between Pofadder & Onseepkans, Northern Cape AIA Phase 1 27/03/2008 Cobus Dreyer MAPID_01695 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0001-20021201-ACO An Analysis of a Randomly Collected Early Stone Age Artefact Assemblage from the Sandkop Mining Area, Kleinsee, Namaqualand Heritage Study 01/12/2002 Dave Halkett ACO Associates CC MAPID_00450 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0001-20030801-UCT Osteobiographical Report for a Human Skeleton Recovered from the Farm Noup, in the Debeers Mining Area, Namaqualand 01/08/2003 Genevieve Dewar University of Cape Town MAPID_01636 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-064-0030-20070420-MBAP Report for Permit 80/06/01/012/52 Micromorpology Samples from Pinnacle Point Mossel Bay Archaeological Permit Report 20/04/2007 Peter Nilssen, Curtis W. Marean Mossel Bay Archaeology Project MAPID_01923 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-064-0030-20070601-ACRM Phase 1 Archaeological Impact Assessment: Proposed Development Outeniquasbosch Safari Park Farms Outeniquasbosch 149 and Hartenbos 217 Mossel Bay AIA Phase 1 01/06/2007 Jonathan Kaplan Agency for Cultural Resources Management MAPID_02940 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0001-19900601-AlbMus Namaqualand Archaeological Permit Report 01/06/1990 Lita Webley Albany Museum 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0001-19970601a-ACO An Archaeological Assessment of the Coastal Strip, and a Proposed Heritage Management Plan For: De Beers Namaqualand Mines Volume 1 AIA Phase 1 01/06/1997 Dave Halkett, Timothy Hart ACO Associates CC MAPID_00455 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0001-19970601b-ACO An Archaeological Assessment of the Coastal Strip, and a Proposed Heritage Management Plan For: De Beers Namaqualand Mines Volume 2 AIA Phase 1 01/06/1997 Dave Halkett, Timothy Hart ACO Associates CC MAPID_00456 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-066-0001-19991001-ACO A Phase One Archaeological Assessment of the Proposed Site of a Vodacom Base Station and Powerline at Baken Mine, Richtersveld AIA Phase 1 01/10/1999 Dave Halkett ACO Associates CC MAPID_00190 16/06/2012 - 14:36



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