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Displaying 18501 - 18550 of 21022

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E.g., 22/09/2024
E.g., 22/09/2024
E.g., 22/09/2024
HeritageAuthority: SAHRA
CaseID CaseName Case Type HeritageAuthority Status ApplicationDate Post date OfficialReference Viewed # CaseOfficers
1005 Suikerboschfontein 429 JT, Cell C - Telecom Section 38 (8) - Statutory Comment Required SAHRA For Noting 13/02/2012 28/11/2012 - 11:31 281 Phillip Hine
8065 Sun Cty Electrification Section 38 (1) - Decision from Heritage Authority required SAHRA For Noting 08/07/2015 08/07/2015 - 09:06 233 Nokukhanya Khumalo
312 Sunderland Ridge X26 BID Section 38 (8) - Statutory Comment Required SAHRA Studies Pending 01/08/2012 01/08/2012 - 10:28 9/2/266/0003 379 Andrew Salomon
1981 Sungu Sungu Offshore Project Section 38 (8) - Statutory Comment Required SAHRA For Noting 12/07/2011 10/04/2013 - 16:28 401 Mariagrazia Galimberti
14377 Surface cleaning and repair of Rock Art painted stones in Paul Loewenstein collection Permits SAHRA Permit Report Approved 27/09/2019 27/09/2019 - 15:35 105 Cuan Hahndiek, Phillip Hine
5498 surface scrape for possible burials at De Beers Consolidated burial Permits SAHRA Closed (Approved) 16/06/2003 29/04/2014 - 09:24 9/2/049/112 273
12481 Survey and artefact collection on Naroep 45 Permits SAHRA Permit Report Approved 17/05/2018 17/05/2018 - 15:59 82 Phillip Hine
4669 Survey and surface collections of selected sites at Cleveland Game Park Permits SAHRA Closed (Approved) 03/09/2009 28/01/2014 - 12:35 9/2/252/0001 265
3509 surveying and recording of rock markings on the five hills at Gestoptefontein I Permits SAHRA Closed (Approved) 08/09/2006 06/09/2013 - 16:01 9/2/235/0002 274
4538 surveying, mapping, excavation and documentation of features on the hilltop site north of the Mapungubwe Interpretive Centre Permits SAHRA Closed (Approved) 02/02/2009 13/01/2014 - 09:07 9/2/240/0001 & 0002 322
7350 SVW138021925 & SVW138804142- PHC VAN ROOYEN Section 38 (1) - Decision from Heritage Authority required SAHRA Closed (Approved) 17/03/2015 17/03/2015 - 08:35 7350 326 Nokukhanya Khumalo
7353 SVW138804142- PHC VAN ROOYEN Section 38 (1) - Decision from Heritage Authority required SAHRA DRAFT 17/03/2015 17/03/2015 - 09:50 315
7123 SWA117832852B- DR JS Moroka Municipality Section 38 (1) - Decision from Heritage Authority required SAHRA Closed (Approved) 06/02/2015 06/02/2015 - 12:28 7123 585 Nokukhanya Khumalo
HeritageAuthority: MPHRA
CaseID CaseName Case Type HeritageAuthority Status ApplicationDate Post date OfficialReference Viewed # CaseOfficers
6657 Sukkelaar 421/9 mining permit for borrow pit Development MPHRA DRAFT 29/10/2014 29/10/2014 - 15:40 6657 445 Nokukhanya Khumalo
HeritageAuthority: Amafa
CaseID CaseName Case Type HeritageAuthority Status ApplicationDate Post date OfficialReference Viewed # CaseOfficers
9468 Sumitomo mitigation Permits Amafa Closed (Approved) 06/05/2016 06/05/2016 - 10:47 SAH16/9468 178 Weziwe Tshabalala, Bernadet Pawandiwa
9331 Sumitomo Rubber plant Section 38 (1) - Decision from Heritage Authority required Amafa Studies Pending 29/03/2016 29/03/2016 - 10:06 SAH16/04/9331 261 Bernadet Pawandiwa, Weziwe Tshabalala
20081 Sunblest Farm Development Amafa DRAFT 11/11/2022 11/11/2022 - 17:19 20
9200 Sungu Sungu Exploration Right Application Section 38 (8) - Statutory Comment Required Amafa Returned to Applicant 29/02/2016 29/02/2016 - 15:27 SAH16/9200 223 Bernadet Pawandiwa
7930 Sungu Sungu Oil and Gas Exploration, Dannhauser , Amajuba Section 38 (8) - Statutory Comment Required Amafa Studies Pending 18/06/2015 18/06/2015 - 11:31 SAH15/7930 1,226 Bernadet Pawandiwa
5379 Support Precinct 2 Mixed Use Development Section 38 (8) - Statutory Comment Required Amafa Closed (Approved) 13/04/2014 13/04/2014 - 10:21 SAH14/5379 401 Bernadet Pawandiwa
HeritageAuthority: SAHRA + NBKB
CaseID CaseName Case Type HeritageAuthority Status ApplicationDate Post date OfficialReference Viewed # CaseOfficers
12089 SUMMARY DOCUMENT TO SUPPORT A WATER USE LICENCE APPLICATION FOR THE TSHIPI É NTLE MINE OPERATIONS IN NORTHERN CAPE PROVINCE Section 38 (8) - Statutory Comment Required SAHRA + NBKB Studies Pending 20/12/2017 20/12/2017 - 10:27 115 Natasha Higgitt
8605 SURVEYED PORTION OF THE FARM KAMEELDRIFT 285, SITUATED IN THE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF HOPETOWN, NORTHERN CAPE REGION. Section 38 (8) - Statutory Comment Required SAHRA + NBKB For Noting 01/08/2008 20/10/2015 - 11:49 292
634 Sutherland Diamond EMP10032 Section 38 (8) - Statutory Comment Required SAHRA + NBKB Studies Pending 09/10/2012 09/10/2012 - 11:08 9/2/091/0004 335 Katie Smuts
HeritageAuthority: SAHRA + PHRA-G
CaseID CaseName Case Type HeritageAuthority Status ApplicationDate Post date OfficialReference Viewed # CaseOfficers
9280 Summer Symphony Mine Permit Application Section 38 (8) - Statutory Comment Required SAHRA + PHRA-G Closed (Approved) 17/03/2016 17/03/2016 - 11:21 9280 204 Andrew Salomon
13143 Sunderland Ridge Portion 87 Industrial Township Development SAHRA + PHRA-G For Noting 02/11/2018 02/11/2018 - 09:25 13143 45 Andrew Salomon
5737 Sunderland Ridge X14 & X16 - Stormwater pipeline Development SAHRA + PHRA-G Returned to Applicant 28/05/2014 28/05/2014 - 14:04 329 Nokukhanya Khumalo
3792 Sunderland Ridge X18 (external sewer & Stormwater) Development SAHRA + PHRA-G DRAFT 07/10/2013 07/10/2013 - 11:49 263
3791 Sunderland Ridge X18 (external water) Development SAHRA + PHRA-G DRAFT 07/10/2013 07/10/2013 - 11:39 303
4965 Sunderland Ridge X22 External Services (Water) Development SAHRA + PHRA-G Studies Pending 28/02/2014 28/02/2014 - 10:51 9/2/266/0003 374 Andrew Salomon
9675 Sunderland Ridge X24 - Amendment Development SAHRA + PHRA-G Studies Pending 03/06/2016 03/06/2016 - 13:20 9675 181 Andrew Salomon
4281 Sunderland Ridge X29 Development SAHRA + PHRA-G Studies Pending 28/11/2013 28/11/2013 - 15:35 9/2/258/0005 278 Andrew Salomon
14230 Sunlawns Estate Nominations & Declarations SAHRA + PHRA-G DRAFT 21/08/2019 21/08/2019 - 08:02 188
HeritageAuthority: ECPHRA
CaseID CaseName Case Type HeritageAuthority Status ApplicationDate Post date OfficialReference Viewed # CaseOfficers
7499 Summerpride Mixed Use Development Section 38 (1) - Decision from Heritage Authority required ECPHRA SUBMITTED 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 - 09:25 820
9190 Summerville Citrus Packing & Cold Storage Facility Expansion, East London Section 38 (8) - Statutory Comment Required ECPHRA SUBMITTED 25/02/2016 25/02/2016 - 16:01 539
17516 Sun Garden Solar Energy Facility, Eastern Cape Province Section 38 (8) - Statutory Comment Required ECPHRA SUBMITTED 12/11/2021 12/11/2021 - 13:31 70
2251 Sunny South Housing Development Development ECPHRA Pending & Under Assessment 09/05/2013 09/05/2013 - 13:24 542 Sello Mokhanya
HeritageAuthority: SAHRA + NWPHRA
CaseID CaseName Case Type HeritageAuthority Status ApplicationDate Post date OfficialReference Viewed # CaseOfficers
12749 SUN4270 - Sun City Environmental Authorisation Section 38 (8) - Statutory Comment Required SAHRA + NWPHRA Closed (Approved) 27/06/2019 26/07/2018 - 12:12 125 Natasha Higgitt
12431 SUN4642 - Sun City Developments Section 38 (8) - Statutory Comment Required SAHRA + NWPHRA Closed (Approved) 16/04/2018 16/04/2018 - 11:46 173 Natasha Higgitt
22430 Sunbird Grid Connection, North West Province Section 38 (8) - Statutory Comment Required SAHRA + NWPHRA SUBMITTED 20/09/2023 20/09/2023 - 12:41 13
19241 Sunbird PV Facility, North West Province Section 38 (8) - Statutory Comment Required SAHRA + NWPHRA Closed (Approved) 08/08/2022 08/08/2022 - 15:26 95 Sityhilelo Ngcatsha
HeritageAuthority: Amafa + SAHRA
CaseID CaseName Case Type HeritageAuthority Status ApplicationDate Post date OfficialReference Viewed # CaseOfficers
9873 Sungu Sungu Gas ER 313 Exploration Right and EIA Application to explore for hydrocarbons (oil, gas and condensate) Section 38 (8) - Statutory Comment Required, Section 38 (8) - Statutory Comment Required Amafa + SAHRA Returned to Applicant 12/07/2016 12/07/2016 - 15:47 SAH16/9873 173 Bernadet Pawandiwa
HeritageAuthority: SAHRA + LIHRA
CaseID CaseName Case Type HeritageAuthority Status ApplicationDate Post date OfficialReference Viewed # CaseOfficers
20678 Sunshine View Section 38 (8) - Statutory Comment Required SAHRA + LIHRA Closed (Approved) 13/02/2023 13/02/2023 - 12:17 20678 59 Nokukhanya Khumalo
10916 SVW197292030 Section 38 (1) - Decision from Heritage Authority required SAHRA + LIHRA Returned to Applicant 10/04/2017 10/04/2017 - 15:47 10916 34 Nokukhanya Khumalo
15249 SVW354262128 - LEOPARD RANCH Section 38 (1) - Decision from Heritage Authority required SAHRA + LIHRA Studies Pending 13/07/2020 13/07/2020 - 15:24 15249 91 Nokukhanya Khumalo, Sityhilelo Ngcatsha
16103 SVW380544257- LIMVUBU BERRIES (PTY) LTD Section 38 (1) - Decision from Heritage Authority required SAHRA + LIHRA For Noting 22/02/2021 22/02/2021 - 11:16 18 Nokukhanya Khumalo
16787 SVW418599157- EJ LAMB Section 38 (1) - Decision from Heritage Authority required SAHRA + LIHRA Closed (Approved) 13/07/2021 13/07/2021 - 21:13 16787 19 Nokukhanya Khumalo
20793 SVW606228563 EVENINING STAR Section 38 (1) - Decision from Heritage Authority required SAHRA + LIHRA Closed (Approved) 01/03/2023 01/03/2023 - 22:47 20793 22 Nokukhanya Khumalo
HeritageAuthority: SAHRA + ECPHRA
CaseID CaseName Case Type HeritageAuthority Status ApplicationDate Post date OfficialReference Viewed # CaseOfficers
22440 SunSolar Project 1 Section 38 (8) - Statutory Comment Required SAHRA + ECPHRA DRAFT 20/09/2023 20/09/2023 - 22:15 12
HeritageAuthority: SAHRA + MPHRA
CaseID CaseName Case Type HeritageAuthority Status ApplicationDate Post date OfficialReference Viewed # CaseOfficers
14283 Survey of the Northdene rock art sites Section 38 (8) - Statutory Comment Required SAHRA + MPHRA Studies Pending 04/09/2019 04/09/2019 - 14:14 14283 81 Nokukhanya Khumalo, Ragna Redelstorff, PhD
HeritageAuthority: SAHRA + HFS
CaseID CaseName Case Type HeritageAuthority Status ApplicationDate Post date OfficialReference Viewed # CaseOfficers
16945 SVR Cable reroute Section 38 (1) - Decision from Heritage Authority required SAHRA + HFS Closed (Approved) 11/08/2021 11/08/2021 - 12:09 41 Sityhilelo Ngcatsha



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