Heritage Cases



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Changes to SAHRIS!

The South African Heritage Resources Information System (SAHRIS) has undergone a generational upgrade and restructure. These changes to the site include, but are not limited to:

  • A new & modernised look and layout
  • Improved site usage flows with respect to applications and content creation
  • Improved site performance and stability

Launch for the new version of SAHRIS occurred on Monday the 30th of October 2023.

The new site can be found here:


SAHRA Application Closure

Please note the following concerning applications submitted to the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA) during the December 2023 to January 2024 period.

The full notice is available here: Notice

Special Notice

Following comments received on the proposed Revised Schedule of Fees for applications made to the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA), made in terms of Section 25(2)(l) of the National Heritage Resources Act No. 25 of 1999 (NHRA) and published in the Government Gazette of 22 July 2022, SAHRA hereby publishes the final Revised Schedule of Fees for Applications made to SAHRA. Applications for provision of services submitted to the South African Heritage Resources Authority (SAHRA), in terms of the National Heritage Resources Act, No. 25 of 1999 (NHRA) must be accompanied by a payment of the appropriate fee, taking effect from 1 January 2023

Revised Schedule of Fees for Applications made to the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA)

12 New chicken broiler houses




Development Type: 


Construction of 12 new chicken broiler houses with dimensions of 15m x 120m, each housing 50 000 chickens. The site will have 12 houses in total. All the houses/broilers will be on remaining extend of portion 13 of the farm Wagebeetjies Draai 875 FT. This is a planned new chicken broilers facility with disturbance 8 HA in total and will be in operation for the next 30years. The entire area is currently used as natural grazing for agriculture purposes. The existing infrastructure found on site is only an access road and a water reservoir,. The preferred site is situated in the center of the farm in order to have the biggest distant between the chicken broiler houses and the neighboring dwellings. This preferred site is outside the urban edge. This land is currently used for agricultural activities thus no change in land use. The Chicken broiler area will be clearly demarcated. The preferred location is ideally located within existing chicken farms, crocodile farm, feedlot and agricultural activities. The location is also good as it is nearby to the Wartburg /Pietermaritzburg tar road with existing ESCOM infrastructure on the farm. The locality of the new broilers on the farm was chosen in such a manner that the lowest impact on the environment as well visual impact to the neighbours and general public. This application was carefully selected in order to have the maximum distance from the Umgeni River and natural water courses. The Umgeni River is 448m south-west from the nearest point of the application area. The type of activities will not have big/high impacts on the environment. The houses will be built in an environmental friendly manner to ensure maximum cooling through natural wind in the summer and to keep the heat inside in the winter and minimize the heating through coal. The roofs and side will be isolated.


The area is zoned for agricultural use of which the chicken house will still be in the agriculture center for food production. This is an existing farm and other farms in the area also have agricultural related activities, like crocodile farming, feedlot and chicken houses. The new broiler project will assist in food security for the province as well as job opportunities. This project will enhance and progresses the agricultural development in KwaZulu Natal as well as this district. This activity will be in line with will take place on a farm which is 13km outside the Urban edge of Wartburg. This activity will be in line with the current (IDP) and SDF frameworks of the local municipality. This project will support the (IDP) as new job opportunities will be created as well as new sustainable development in the Agriculture sector, which is an important sector in this Local Municipality district. The existing gravel D162 road will be used for the transportation of chickens, chicken feed and other maintenance. The impact on the road will be minimal with an additional 3 trucks a day that will use this road for this project. There is an existing entrance to the farm from the D163 that will be used. This entrance road (on the project site) will be upgraded and properly maintained. Agricultural development which will support economic growth and further job opportunities also in the further processing of the chicken meat (slaughtering) which will also be in Wartburg and Pietermaritzburg district. This project will have no negative impacts that cannot be mitigated and the project will be economical sustainable without adverse impacts on the environment. Job creation and development of this area is in line with the IDP. It is in line with the spatial development framework of this area. Additional chicken farm infrastructure is being needed by the owner to continue business and ensuring job opportunities in the long term. No services or costs will be needed from the municipality. This area is currently only used as natural grazing and is situated nearby the Wartburg tar road which make the transport much easier. A portion of 8 ha will be used, with minimal environmental impacts. The benefits for this project will outruns the negative impacts as the assistance for food security and job creation outreach the negative environmental impacts which are minimal. There will be no precedent set within the local municipality by accepting this project as there are already existing chicken houses in this area. No person’s rights will be negatively affected by the proposed activity as, the applicant is also the landowner of the land surrounding the area of interest. The proposed activity will not compromise the “urban edge” as defined by the local municipality, as it is outside the urban edge. The benefits to society will be in general and to the local communities that jobs will be created during the construction and ultimately the operational phase of the chicken broilers. This project fits into the National Development Plan for 2030 as food security and job creation in agricultural sector will be accomplished. The general objectives of Integrated Environmental Management as set out in Section 23 of NEMA as amended have been taken into account by the following: This activity will have no high negative impacts and all impacts were evaluated and all impacts can be mitigated. The public participation was done in full. The modes of environmental management were identified, that will be best suited for the activity, ensuring that this particular activity is pursued in accordance with the principles of environmental management. The principles of environmental management as set out in Section 2 of NEMA as amended have been taken into account by means of the following: No persons will be affective negatively in this project. The sustainability of this project will have no disturbance on ecosystems or loss of biodiversity. No heritage site will be affected. All environmental impacts were taken into consideration and the low negative impacts can be mitigated. There is no sensitive environmental feature on site or nearby that will be affected.


Monday, October 4, 2021 - 11:59







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