Heritage Cases



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SAHRA Application Closure

Please note the following concerning applications submitted to the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA) during the December 2023 to January 2024 period.

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Special Notice

Following comments received on the proposed Revised Schedule of Fees for applications made to the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA), made in terms of Section 25(2)(l) of the National Heritage Resources Act No. 25 of 1999 (NHRA) and published in the Government Gazette of 22 July 2022, SAHRA hereby publishes the final Revised Schedule of Fees for Applications made to SAHRA. Applications for provision of services submitted to the South African Heritage Resources Authority (SAHRA), in terms of the National Heritage Resources Act, No. 25 of 1999 (NHRA) must be accompanied by a payment of the appropriate fee, taking effect from 1 January 2023

Revised Schedule of Fees for Applications made to the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA)

Coastal Engineering Infrastructure Activities – Proclaimed Fishing Harbours Work Package 3: West Coast – St. Helena Bay (Sandy Point)





Development Type: 


Maintenance and Repair of Infrastructure Elements at St. Helena Bay Harbour, Erf number 78, St. Helena Bay, Saldanha Bay Local Municipality, West Coast District Municipality, Western Cape


INTRODUCTION The small harbours programme aims to drive the rejuvenation and upgrading of the small (fishing) harbours forming part of Operation Phakisa, to promote economic growth within the communities they serve. Currently, there are 13 proclaimed fishing harbours in the Western Cape. Within this programme six main project packages have been identified and The Department of Public Works (DPW) has established a Small Harbours Development Unit to implement and facilitate these packages which is already underway. In order to ensure the efficient rehabilitation of existing infrastructure and reinstatement of the original operational capabilities at each of the proclaimed harbours in the Western Cape, the 13 harbours were split into four packages. Of these four packages, Aurecon was awarded the Proclaimed Fishing Harbours Western Cape Work Package 3, which focused solely on the three west coast harbours at St Helena Bay, Laaiplek and Lambert’s Bay. Each of these harbours play a significant role in the local economy of the west coast, whether that be in the fishing or resource (in particular diamonds) sectors. The harbour at St Helena Bay was built in 1968. Several smaller jetties were built along the coast for fish factories. St Helena harbour has four jetties and four quays. The harbour basin contains extensive areas of revetments and an undeveloped water’s edge. PROPOSED HARBOUR MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR The maintenance and repair activities required at the harbour will include the following seven aspects: - Repair concrete structures including sealing and grouting Concrete repairs will be undertaken on Jetty 2 as well possible minor repairs on other concrete infrastructure elements, i.e. the main slipway, jetties 1, 3 and 4 and the Coastal Quay. This will include resealing and grouting of concrete on these structures. - Repairs to wooden jetties: The repairs to Timber Quay 1 shall focus on the superstructure, namely the timber deck planks, bollards and fenders. The existing substructure, concrete piles and timber support beams, shall remain. The repairs shall entail the disconnection or “pilling up” of the deck planks showing severe surface damage and either being completely replaced or simply turned over and laid with the present underside facing upwards. Prior to relaying the suitable planks the planks shall be cleaned and sanded. Whilst undertaking the repairs to the timber deck the existing steel bollards shall be sandblasted and repainted as part of the routine maintenance of the bollards. Maintenance and repairs of the existing tyre fenders shall be undertaken in conjunction with the above. This will include the checking of the fender supports and integrity of the tyre. If it is found that a tyre fender shows excessive wear then it shall be replaced with a similar fender size and if the fender support/fixity is not satisfactory then this shall be improved. - Maintenance of the main slipway and recreational boat launch: Repairs and maintenance of both the main slipway and recreational boat launch shall be undertaken. The mechanical components to be inspect and repaired (if necessary) on the main slipway include the winch, power pack, cable/rope and cradle. With regards to the recreational boat launch the winch and cable/rope shall be inspect and repaired if required. Due to the specialist nature of the mechanical components the planned approach is to provide the specialist contractors the opportunity to inspect the equipment, assess the condition and maintenance requirements of the equipment and then provide detailed method statements for the required works during Tender Stage. Concrete repairs to the slipway support beams and ramp will also be undertaken where necessary. This will include resealing and grouting of concrete on these structures. An inspection of the main slipway rails will be conducted to assess the current condition of the rails and the extent of the repairs required, if at all necessary.In addition to the above it has been identified that the firefighting system at the main slipway should be assessed and improved due to the potential safety hazard. Therefore the proposed repair works include the implementation of 2 or 3 additional fire hydrants, a new booster point and a fire tender point/connection. - Maintenance of the shore crane: The planned approach for the maintenance of the existing shore crane located on Jetty 2 is to provide the specialist contractors the opportunity to inspect the equipment, assess the condition and maintenance requirements of the crane and then provide detailed method statements for the required works during Tender Stage. - Repair and supply of fresh water to the fish cleaning facility: The planned repairs for the supply of water to the fish cleaning facility include the provision of two 5,000 litre storage tanks (“Jo-Jo”) fed from municipal supply as well as a booster pump to ensure pressurised washing water for the fish cleaning process. - Routine dredging of the harbour basin: Dredging of the harbour basin is a standard maintenance requirement for harbour operations, and should occur regularly to ensure the proper functioning of the port activities. This maintenance activity has been neglected in the St Helena Bay Harbour in recent years. It is has been determined that up to 11,500 m3 of sediment will need to be dredged within the harbour basin to previously charted depths, and future routine dredging activities will be necessary as a standard maintenance practice for the harbour. Results of a Sediment Specialist Study undertaken in November 2016 by Lwandle Technologies (Pty) Ltd indicated that the mean values for cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel and zinc are above the low action level target values on the National Action List for dredge disposal with cadmium, nickel and zinc values exceeding the respective probable effect concentrations for the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME) region. These concentrations are not present at levels that have been deemed to produce acute or chronic effects on human health or on sensitive marine organism’s representative of the local marine ecosystem. The study further suggests that the levels recorded are not localised to the harbour and it is likely that the whole bay naturally displays elevated levels. Lwandle recommended that the disposal of dredged material from the harbour only proceed following the formal assessment of sediment toxicity risks. The most suitable location for the dredged sediment to be deposited is yet to be determined, but it is proposed that the dredged sediment be removed and deposited offshore in accordance with a specific Dredging and Dumping at Sea Maintenance Management Plan. - Removal of four sunken vessels and one abandoned onshore (on the slipway) vessel: Four sunken vessels and one abandoned vessel on the main slipway will be removed from the harbour. The South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA) was contacted to provide assistance in determining if the removal of sunken vessels will require permitting in terms of the National Heritage Resources Act (Act no. 25 of 1999) (NHRA). Ms Lesa le Grange of SAHRA confirmed that the sunken vessels are modern therefore would not require a permit in terms of the NHRA for the removal thereof. The Listing Notices as defined in GN No. R.983, R.984 and R.985 of 4 December 2014 in terms of NEMA Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2014 was examined and it appears that no listed activities are triggered for the removal of sunken vessels. An Environmental Management Specification (EM Specification) for the removal of sunken vessels was prepared by Aurecon’s Environmental Team, for the Specialist Service Provider that will be removing them. The EM Specification covers the standard requirements for controlling the impact of sunken vessel removal activities on the environment including the coastal environment. Due to the specialist nature of sunken vessel removal works, the planned approach is to request detailed Method Statements from the Specialist Service Providers during the tender process. These Method Statements will be evaluated with particular emphasis placed on compliance to the EM Specification and Safety Management Plans, which will include a plan for reuse, scraping and/or disposal.


Wednesday, March 1, 2017 - 15:11





The maintenance and repair activities required at the harbour will include the following seven aspects: (1) Repair concrete structures including sealing and grouting; (2) Repairs to wooden jetties; (3) Maintenance of the main slipway and recreational boat launch; (4) Maintenance of the shore crane; (5) Repair and supply of fresh water to the fish cleaning facility; (6) Routine dredging of the harbour basin; and (7) Removal of four sunken vessels and one abandoned onshore (on the slipway) vessel.

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