Heritage Cases



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Special Notice

Following comments received on the proposed Revised Schedule of Fees for applications made to the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA), made in terms of Section 25(2)(l) of the National Heritage Resources Act No. 25 of 1999 (NHRA) and published in the Government Gazette of 22 July 2022, SAHRA hereby publishes the final Revised Schedule of Fees for Applications made to SAHRA. Applications for provision of services submitted to the South African Heritage Resources Authority (SAHRA), in terms of the National Heritage Resources Act, No. 25 of 1999 (NHRA) must be accompanied by a payment of the appropriate fee, taking effect from 1 January 2023

Revised Schedule of Fees for Applications made to the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA)

Permit application for the excavation of Malapa




Case Type: 


Request for Malapa excavation permit 2014 - 2017, Gauteng Province.


The addition of Mr. Renier Van De Merve and Dr. Marina Catherine Elliott as occasional on-site managers of excavations at Malapa. Both individuals have extensive experience in excavation methods and have been trained specifically as experts in the excavation of the Malapa site. Both individuals hold professional qualifications in Archaeology and Palaeontology and are employed full-time by the University of the Witwatersrand.


Tuesday, September 16, 2014 - 11:44





CitationReferenceTypeDate Retrieved
Copeland, S.R., Sponheimer, M., Lee-Thorp, L.A., de Ruiter, D.J., le Roux P.J., Grimes, V., Codron, D., Codron, J., Berger, L.R., Richards, M.P. (2010). Using strontium isotopes to study site accumulation processes. Journal of Taphonomy 8, 115-127.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Bamford MK, Neumann FH, Pereira LM, Scott L, Dirks PH, Berger LR (2010) Botanical remains from a coprolite from the Pleistocene hominin site of Malapa, Sterkfontein Valley, South Africa. Pal. Afr., 45 pp. 23 - 28.
L. R. Berger, D.J. de Ruiter, S.E. Churchill, P. Schmid, K.J. Carlson, P.G.M. Dirks and J.M. Kibii (2010) Australopithecus sediba: A new species of Homo-like Australopith from South Africa. Science, vol. 328. 195-204.
P.H.G.M. Dirks, j.M. Kibii, B.F. Kuhn, C. Steininger, S.E. Churchill, J.D. Kramers, R. Pickering, D.L. Farber, A. Meriaux, A.I.R. Herries, G.C.P. King and L.R. Berger (2010) Geological Setting and Age of Australopithecus sediba from southern Africa. Science. vol. 328. pp 205-208.
Pickering, R., Dirks, P.H.G.M., Jinnah, Z., de Ruiter, D., Chruchill, S.E., Herries, A.I.R., Woodhead, J.D., Hellstrom, J.C. and Berger, L.R. (2011) Australopithecus sediba at 1.977 Ma and implications for the origins of the genus Homo. Science. 333, 1421-1423
Kibii, J.M., Churchill, S.E., Schmid, P., Carlson, K.J., Reed, N.D., de Ruiter, D.J. and Berger, L.R. (in Press) . A new partial pelvis of Australopithecus sediba. Science. 333, 1407-1411.
Zipfel, B., De Silva, J.M., Kidd, R.S., Carlson, K.J., Churchill, S.E. and Berger, L.R. (2011) The Foot and Ankle of Australopithecus sediba. Science. 333, 1417-1420.
Carlson, K.J., Stout, D., Jashervili, T., de Ruiter, D.J., Tafferou, P., Carlson, K. and Berger, L.R. (2011) The Endocast of MH1, Australopithecus sediba. Science. 333, 1402-1407.
Kivell, T.L., Kibii, J., Churchill, S.E., Schmid, P. and Berger, L.R. (2011) Australopithecus sediba hand demonstrates mosaic evolution of locomotor and manipulative abilities. Science. 12 333, 1411-1417.
Aurore Val; Kristian J. Carlson; Christine Steininger; Job M. Kibii; Cecil Churms; Brian F. Kuhn; and Lee R. Berger (2011) Application of 3D techniques to identify fossil remains: an elephant shrew hemi-mandible from the Plio-Pleistocene site of Malapa
Brian F Kuhn, .Lars Werdelin, Adam Hartstone-Rose, Rodrigo S. Lacruz, Lee R. Berger (2011) Fossil Carnivora from Malapa. Plos One. 10.1371/journal.pone.0026940
Berger, L.R. (2012) Building a nation one project at a time: Reply to ‘On human evolution, Australopithecus sediba and nation building’ S. Afr. J. Sci. 108 (1/2)
Henry, A., Ungar, P., Passey, B., Sponheimer, M., Rossouw, L., Bamford, M., Sandberg, P., de Ruiter, D. and Berger, L.R. (2012) The diet of Australopithecus sediba. Nature.
Berger, L.R. (2012) Australopithecus sediba and the earliest origins of the genus Homo. J. Arch. Sciences. Vol. 90, 1-16.
DE Roberts, A du Plessis, J Steyn, LR Botha, S Pityana, LR Berger (2012) An investigation of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for use as a control in the laser removal of rock from fossils found at the Malapa hominin site, South Africa. Spec. Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy.73. 48-54.
Dirks, P. and Berger, L.R. (2012) Hominin bearing caves and landscape dynamics in the Cradle of Humankind, South Africa. J. of African Earth Sciences. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2012.09.012
Hartstone-Rose, A. , Brian F Kuhn, Shahed Nalla, Lars Werdelin, Lee R Berger (2013) A new species of fox from the Australopithecus sediba type locality, Malapa, South Africa. Trans. R. Soc. S. Afr. 10.1080/0035919X.2012.748698
De Ruiter, D., DeWitt, T.J., Carlson, K., Brophy, J., Schroeder, L., Ackerman, R., Churchill, S.E. and Berger, L.R. (2013) Mandibular remains support taxonomic validity of Australopithecus sediba. Science.
Williams, S., Ostrofsky, K.R., Frater, N., Churchill, S.E., Schmid, P. and Berger, L.R. (2013) Numerical Composition and hyperlordosis in the vertebral column of Australopithecus sediba. Science.
DeSilva, J., Holt, K.G., Chruchill, S.E., Carlson, K., Walker, C., Zipfel, B. and Berger, L.R. (2013) The lower limb and the mechanics of walking in Australopithecus sediba. Science.
Irish, J. , Gautelli-Steinberg, D., Legge, S., de Ruiter, D. And Berger, L.R. (2013) The dental morphology and the phylogenetic place of Australopithecus sediba. Science.
Peter Schmid, Steven E. Churchill, Shahed Nalla, Eveline Weissen, Darryl J. de Ruiter, and Lee R. Berger. Mosaic Morphology in the Thorax of Australopithecus sediba (2013) Science.
Steven E. Churchill, Trenton W. Holliday, Kristian J. Carlson, Tea Jashashvili, Marisa E. Macias, Sandra Mathews, Tawnee L. Sparling, Peter Schmid, Darryl J. de Ruiter, and Lee R. Berger. (2013) The upper limb of Australopithecus sediba. Science.
Berger, L.R. (2013) The Mosaic Nature of Australopithecus sediba. Science
JD Irish, D Guatelli-Steinberg, SS Legge, DJ de Ruiter, LR Berger (2014) News and views: Response to'Non-metric dental traits and hominin phylogeny'by Carter et al., with additional information on the Arizona State University Dental Anthropology System and phylogenetic'place'of Australopithecus sediba. Journal of human evolution 69, 129
Berger, L.R. and Aronson, M. (2012) The Skull in the Rock – how a scientist, a boy and Google Earth opened a new window on human origins. National Geographic Press ISBN 978-1-4263-1010-2
De Klerk, B. , de Ruiter, D., Churchill, S.E. and Berger, L.R. (2012) Australopithecus sediba. McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology. Pp. 16-20.
Berger, L.R. (2012) La Scoperta Di Australopithecus sediba. Micromega MicroMega. Almanacco della Scienza, Homo sapiens. Rome, Italy. Pp. 54 – 70.
Berger, L.R. (2005) Working and Guiding in the Cradle of Humankind. Prime Origins Publishing and The National Lottery. ISBN 0-620-31866-x

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