Heritage Cases



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Changes to SAHRIS!

The South African Heritage Resources Information System (SAHRIS) has undergone a generational upgrade and restructure. These changes to the site include, but are not limited to:

  • A new & modernised look and layout
  • Improved site usage flows with respect to applications and content creation
  • Improved site performance and stability

Launch for the new version of SAHRIS occurred on Monday the 30th of October 2023.

The new site can be found here:


SAHRA Application Closure

Please note the following concerning applications submitted to the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA) during the December 2023 to January 2024 period.

The full notice is available here: Notice

Special Notice

Following comments received on the proposed Revised Schedule of Fees for applications made to the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA), made in terms of Section 25(2)(l) of the National Heritage Resources Act No. 25 of 1999 (NHRA) and published in the Government Gazette of 22 July 2022, SAHRA hereby publishes the final Revised Schedule of Fees for Applications made to SAHRA. Applications for provision of services submitted to the South African Heritage Resources Authority (SAHRA), in terms of the National Heritage Resources Act, No. 25 of 1999 (NHRA) must be accompanied by a payment of the appropriate fee, taking effect from 1 January 2023

Revised Schedule of Fees for Applications made to the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA)

Prospecting Right Application on the Remaining Extent of Farm 84 and a Portion of the Farm 393, Barkly West Magisterial District, Northern Cape.





Development Type: 


Prospecting Right Application on the Remaining Extent of Farm 84 and a Portion of the Farm 393, Barkly West Magisterial District, Northern Cape. Application area- 2529.4042 ha. The farm is situated approximately 100 kilometers north-west of Kimberley, 33km north-west of Windsorton close to the R370 and R371 crossing, approximately 6km west of the Spitskop Dam.


Non-Invasive Activities Ground and/or airborne magnetic survey over prospecting area. The area will be flown with an airborne gradient magnetic survey in conjunction with other adjacent prospecting rights applied for. If the survey area is too small for a cost effective airborne survey then ground magnetics will be carried out on parallel lines spaced at 100m across the prospecting area. Minimal disturbance of vegetation and wildlife is envisaged Target-specific ground geophysics (magnetics, electromagnetics and gravity). This will entail detailed ground geophysical surveys being carried out using hand held equipment on parallel lines spaced at an appropriate interval based on the dimensions of the target being investigated. Minimal disturbance of vegetation and wildlife is envisaged Target specific loam sampling. Soil samples of up to 200 litres in volume will be taken in the topmost soil layer (up to 20cm deep) and sieved on site to remove very fine (<425 micron) material. Minimal disturbance of vegetation and wildlife is envisaged. Invasive Activities Scout and delineation drilling. If carried out, drilling may necessitate the establishment of access tracks and minor bush clearing for establishment of drill pads. The need for drilling can only be established once phase 1 and 2 of the Prospecting Works Program have been completed. The farm portions over which the application was applied for is currently utilized for grazing for cattle access to the farm is gained by an existing farm road. Only a small portion of the grazing land will be impacted on (± 1 ha at any given time which represents the footprints of all activities on the farm combined) the rest of the areas can proceed normally. The area applied for is over the entire portions but the main prospecting focus area will be on the grazing land as. After prospecting the land will be utilized for grazing again. The prospecting method of drilling is the only economic viable method currently being used by the diamond fraternity; it is also the only cost effective method. An application for a bulk sample can also be done but it is not cost effective if drilling did not prove a reserve to bulk sample. There is no alternative prospecting method. A Prospecting Right application was lodged and accepted by the Department of Mineral Resources to do drilling whereby the presence of a resource will be determined.


Monday, February 13, 2017 - 14:35




(NC) 30/5/1/1/2/11830 PR



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