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ReportRefsort descending ReportTitle ReportType ReportDate Authors AuthoringBody MapID < 2009 Post date
9-2-044-0001-20020725-AlbMus St. Francis Bay Proposed Beach Remediation - Phase 1 Heritage Impact Assessment Report AIA Phase 1 25/07/2002 Lita Webley Albany Museum MAPID_01227 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-044-0001-20050401-CHARM St Francis Links - Golf Estate: Phase 2 - Mitigation of Archaeological Heritage Resources, Zone 1 AIA Phase 2 01/04/2005 Peter Nilssen Centre for Heritage and Archaeological Resource Management cc MAPID_01420 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-044-0001-20050504-CHARM St Francis Links - Golf Estate: Phase 2 - Mitigation of Archaeological Heritage Resources, Selected Sites in Zone 2 AIA Phase 2 04/05/2005 Peter Nilssen Centre for Heritage and Archaeological Resource Management cc MAPID_01421 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-044-0001-20050601-MAPCRM St Francis Links - Golf Estate: Phase 2 - Mitigation of Archaeological Heritage Resources Zone 3 (Progress/Interim Report) Archaeological Permit Report 01/06/2005 Peter Nilssen MAPCRM CC MAPID_01901 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-044-0001-20051123-AlbMus Heritage Impact Assessment of Jubilee Estates, Aston Bay AIA Phase 1 23/11/2005 Lita Webley Albany Museum MAPID_01735 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-044-0001-20060601-AlbMus Letter of Recommendation for the Exemption of a Full Phase 1 Archaeological Heritage Impact Assessment for the Proposed Development of a Portion of the Farm Mentorskraal No.336, Jeffrey's Bay AIA Phase 1 01/06/2006 Johan Binneman Albany Museum MAPID_00740 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-044-0001-20060601a-AlbMus Archaeological Heritage Impact Assessment for the Proposed Development of the Remainder of Erf 328, Jeffrey's Bay AIA Phase 1 01/06/2006 Johan Binneman Albany Museum MAPID_00739 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-044-0001-20060601b-AlbMus Archaeological Heritage Impact Assessment for the Proposed Development of the Portion 6 of Erf 336, Portion of Erf 321 and Portion 32 of Erf 321, Jeffrey's Bay AIA Phase 1 01/06/2006 Johan Binneman Albany Museum MAPID_00741 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-044-0001-20060601c-AlbMus Phase 1 Archaeological Heritage Impact Assessment for the Proposed Development of the Remainder of Farm Noorsekloof 327, Jeffrey's Bay AIA Phase 1 01/06/2006 Johan Binneman Albany Museum MAPID_00742 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-044-0001-20060601d-AlbMus Phase 1 Archaeological Heritage Impact Assessment for the Proposed Development of Erven 328/1, 328/2 and 779, Jeffrey's Bay (Alternative Recommendations) AIA Phase 1 01/06/2006 Johan Binneman Albany Museum MAPID_00743 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-044-0001-20060601e-AlbMus Letter of Recommendation (with conditions) for the Exemption of a Full Phase 1 Archaeological Heritage Impact Assessment for the Subdivision and Rezoning of iᄆ 40 Ha of Portion 123 (Portion of Portion 67) of the Farm "Estate Klein Zeekoei River" No. 335, H AIA Phase 1 01/06/2006 Johan Binneman Eastern Cape Heritage Consultants MAPID_00744 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-044-0001-20060601f-AlbMus Letter of Recommendation (with conditions) for the exemption of a Full Phase 1 Archaeological Heritage Impact Assessment for the Rezoning of Erven 3279, 3280 and 3281 in the Humansdorp (Kouga Municipality), from Agricultural to Residential Zone III and Su AIA Phase 1 01/06/2006 Johan Binneman Eastern Cape Heritage Consultants MAPID_00745 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-044-0001-20060601g-AlbMus Letter of recommendation (with conditions) for the exemption of a full Phase 1 Archaeological Heritage Impact Assessment for the Subdivision and Rezoning of Portion 28 of the Farm "Melkhoutekraal" No. 254 in Kareedouw (Koukama Municipality), From Agricult HIA Letter of Exemption 01/06/2006 Johan Binneman Eastern Cape Heritage Consultants MAPID_00746 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-044-0001-20060601h-AlbMus Letter of Recommendation (with conditions) for the exemption of a Full Phase 1 Archaeological Heritage Impact Assessment on Portion 60 (Part of Portion 57) of the Farm Klein Zeekoe River No. 335, Humansdorp District (Kouga Municipality), Concerning the Ap HIA Letter of Exemption 01/06/2006 Johan Binneman Eastern Cape Heritage Consultants MAPID_00747 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-044-0001-20060601i-AlbMus Letter of Recommendation (with conditions) for the Exemption of a Full Phase 1 Archaeological Heritage Impact Assessment for the Rezoning and Subdivision of Portion 32 of the Farm Rheeboksfontein No.346, Humansdorp District, Kouga Municipality, from Agric AIA Phase 1 01/06/2006 Johan Binneman Eastern Cape Heritage Consultants MAPID_00748 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-044-0001-20061001-AlbMus Rescue Excavation of a Partial Burial, Part of Which Was Removed and Collected by the Police in the Dunefield Archaeological Permit Report 01/10/2006 Johan Binneman Albany Museum 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-044-0001-20061218-AlbMus Phase 1 Archaeological Impact Assessment: Along the St Francis Bay Beach AIA Phase 1 18/12/2006 Lita Webley Albany Museum MAPID_00749 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-044-0001-20070327-CARMCC Inspection of Destruction of Archaeological Deposits and Archaeological Impact Assessment of Further Construction Related Activities-11 Diaz Road, Jeffrey's Bay, Jeffrey's Bay Magisterial District, Eastern Cape Province: Construction of Residential Units AIA Phase 1 27/03/2007 Peter Nilssen Centre for Archaeological Resource Management cc MAPID_00212 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-044-0001-20070901-NCHM Proposed Marina Village Development, Jeffrey's Bay, Humansdorp Magisterial District, Eastern Cape Province AIA Phase 1 01/09/2007 Johnny Van Schalkwyk National Cultural History Museum MAPID_01093 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-044-0001-20071001-AlbMus Phase 1 Archaeological Heritage Impact Assessment of the Proposed Development of a Hotel and Resort on Erf 6338, Jeffrey's Bay, Kouga Municipality, Eastern Cape Province AIA Phase 1 01/10/2007 Johan Binneman Eastern Cape Heritage Consultants MAPID_01082 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-044-0001-20080201-AlbMus A Phase 1 Archaeological Heritage Impact Assessment on the Proposed Development on Portion 78 of the Farm Ongegunde Vryheid No. 746 (Rocky Coast Farm), Cape St Francis, Kouga Municipality, Humansdorp District, Eastern Cape Province AIA Phase 1 01/02/2008 Johan Binneman Eastern Cape Heritage Consultants MAPID_01689 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-044-0003-20010901-US Conservation Plan Klasies River Archaeological Sites AIA Phase 3 01/09/2001 Hilary Deacon, Sarah Wurz Stellenbosch University MAPID_02670 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-044-0007-19950101-AlbMus Symbolic Construction of Communities During the Holocene Later Stone Age in the South-Eastern Cape Archaeological Permit Report 01/01/1995 Johan Binneman Albany Museum 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-045-0002-20070816-UATRM The Archaeological Survey of the Elitheni Mine, Indwe, Eastern Cape AIA Phase 1 16/08/2007 Gavin Anderson Umlando: Archaeological Surveys & Heritage Management MAPID_01194 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-047-0001-20020201-AlbMus Preliminary Report: Permit: 80/98/10/06/51: Farm Brandhoek 180, Joubertina District, Eastern Cape Province, February 2002, Archaeological Investigation of Tierkloof Shelter Archaeological Permit Report 01/02/2002 Johan Binneman Albany Museum 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-047-0001-20060131-AACC Phase 1 Heritage Impact Assessment for the Construction and Upgrading of the Proposed Access Roads to the Braamhoek Pumped Storage Scheme AIA Phase 1 31/01/2006 Polke Birkholtz, Jaco van der Walt Archaeology Africa CC MAPID_00837 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-047-0005-20020201a-AlbMus Preliminary Report. Permit No: 80/00/10/006/51. Farm Kleinrivier 178, Koukamma Municipality, Eastern Cape Province. February 2002. Archaeological Investigation of Kleinrivier Sheleter Archaeological Permit Report 01/02/2002 Johan Binneman Albany Museum 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-047-0005-20041101-AlbMus Final Report: Permit No: 80/00/10/006/51: Farm Kleinrivier 178, Koukamma Municipality, Eastern Cape Province: February 2002: Archaeological Investigation of Kleinrivier Sheleter Archaeological Permit Report 01/11/2004 Johan Binneman Albany Museum 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-047-0051-20041101-AlbMus Archaeological Investigation on Kleinrivier Shelter Archaeological Permit Report 01/11/2004 Johan Binneman Albany Museum 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-047-0051-20061018-AlbMus Archaeological Investigation of Kleinrivier Shelter Archaeological Permit Report 18/10/2006 Johan Binneman Albany Museum 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-048-0001-20000301-McGM Gamsberg Zinc Project: Environmental Impact Assessment Specialist Report: Archaeology AIA Phase 1 01/03/2000 David Morris McGregor Museum 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-048-0001-20040401-McGM Archaeological Resources at Geel Vloer, Bushmanland: A Phase 1 Archaeological Impact Assessment AIA Phase 1 01/04/2004 David Morris McGregor Museum MAPID_00993 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-048-0001-20050711-PAHS Archaeological Investigation of the Proposed Alterations to the Telkom Lattice Mast at Gamsberg (Ghaamsberg) near Aggeneys, Northern Cape AIA Phase 1 11/07/2005 Cobus Dreyer MAPID_01554 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-049-0001-20010605-McGM Report on Historical Rubbish Midden at Kamfersdam AIA Phase 1 05/06/2001 David Morris McGregor Museum MAPID_01316 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-049-0001-20030811-PAHS Archaeological and Historical Investigation of the Proposed New Goal Site at Kimberley, Northern Cape AIA Phase 1 11/08/2003 Cobus Dreyer 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-049-0001-20040726-McGM Skeletons Found at 78 Transvaal Road, Kimberley Archaeological Permit Report 26/07/2004 David Morris McGregor Museum 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-049-0001-20050401-McGM Archaeological Impact Assessment of Portion 37, a Portion of Portion 27 (Boland) of the Farm Zoutpansfontein No 34, Kimberley District, Northern Cape AIA Phase 1 01/04/2005 Peter Beaumont McGregor Museum MAPID_00902 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-049-0001-20050629-McGM Cultural Resources Management Impact Assessment: (Portion of) Paardeberg 12; Paardeberg-East, Kimberley District, Northern Cape, South Africa AIA Phase 1 29/06/2005 Karen Van Ryneveld McGregor Museum MAPID_00910 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-049-0001-20050801-McGM Phase 1 Archaeological Impact Assessment for De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd (Contract 0616-AC-244-05) to Evaluate Heritage Resources on Properties as Indicated AIA Phase 1 01/08/2005 David Morris McGregor Museum MAPID_01318 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-049-0001-20050822-PAHS Archaeological and Cultural Historical Investigation of the Proposed Diamond Mining Developments on the Farm Slypklip North 32, Kimberley, NC AIA Phase 1 22/08/2005 Cobus Dreyer MAPID_00911 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-049-0001-20050830-McGM Cultural Resources Management Impact Assessment Portions of Paardeberg 154; Kimberley AIA Phase 1 30/08/2005 Karen Van Ryneveld McGregor Museum MAPID_00446 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-049-0001-20051001-McGM Phase 1 Archaeological Impact Assessment of the so-called 'Kemo Dump' (National Site Number 2824DB039) on Remainder of Erf 5024, Erf 6376 and Erf 5058, Vooruitzigt-81, Kimberley, Northern Cape AIA Phase 1 01/10/2005 David Morris McGregor Museum MAPID_00903 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-049-0001-20051001-UOFS Palaeontological Report on Slypklip North No. 32, Kimberley, NC PIA Phase 1 01/10/2005 Johan Loock University of the Free State MAPID_00912 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-049-0001-20051208-McGM Cultural Resources Management Impact Assessment: Rooipoort: (Portions of) Klipfontein 99, Berg Plaats 100, Vogelstruis Pan 98, Vogelstruis Pan 101 and Zand Plaats 102, Kimberley District, Northern Cape, South Africa AIA Phase 1 08/12/2005 Karen Van Ryneveld McGregor Museum MAPID_00904 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-049-0001-20060701b-McGM Report on a Phase 1 Archaeological Assessment of a Proposed Clay Quarry at Roodepan 70, Kimberley, Northern Cape. NC 30/5/1/3/3/2/1/358Em AIA Phase 1 01/07/2006 David Morris McGregor Museum MAPID_00449 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-049-0001-20061110-McGM Phase 1 Heritage Impact Assessment Report on Portion 4 of the Farm Slypklip North 32, Frances Baard District Municipality, Northern Cape Province AIA Phase 1 10/11/2006 Peter Beaumont McGregor Museum MAPID_00905 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-049-0001-20070105-NMB Phase 1 Archaeological Impact Assessment: Portion of the Farm Platfontein 68, Kimberley District, Northern Cape, South Africa AIA Phase 1 05/01/2007 Karen Van Ryneveld National Museum Bloemfontein - Archaeology Contracts Office MAPID_00913 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-049-0001-20070117-McGM Archaeological Survey of the Farm Koodoosberg No. 141 AIA Phase 1 17/01/2007 David Morris McGregor Museum MAPID_03083 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-049-0001-20070307-McGM Phase 1 Heritage Impact Assessment Report on the Farm Eureka 200 near Kimberley, Frances Baard District Municipality, Northern Cape Province AIA Phase 1 07/03/2007 Peter Beaumont McGregor Museum MAPID_00996 16/06/2012 - 14:35
9-2-049-0001-20080707-PAHS Archaeological and Culture Historical Assessment of the Proposed Residential Developments at Kimberley, Northern Cape AIA Phase 1 07/07/2008 Cobus Dreyer MAPID_01614 16/06/2012 - 14:35



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