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ReportRef ReportTitle ReportType ReportDate Authors AuthoringBody CommissioningCompany MapID < 2009sort descending Post date
AIA_Riviersonderend_Bypass_Kaplan_JM_Dec90 An Archaeological Investigation of the Proposed Riviersonderend Bypass Road AIA Phase 1 01/12/1990 Jonathan Kaplan ACO Associates CC MAPID_01822 16/06/2012 - 14:49
9-2-018-0009-19911001-ACRM The Excavation of Three Archaeological Sites at Klein Slangkoppunt, Kommetjie Archaeological Permit Report 01/10/1991 Jonathan Kaplan Agency for Cultural Resources Management MAPID_01823 16/06/2012 - 14:34
9-2-030-0025-19910130-ACO An Archaeological Impact Assessment of the Proposed Upgrading of the Outeniqua Pass, George AIA Phase 1 30/01/1991 John Parkington ACO Associates CC MAPID_01824 16/06/2012 - 14:34
AIA_Ganzekraal_Kaplan_JM_Jun91 A Report on the Archaeological Sensitivity of Ganzekraal AIA Phase 1 01/06/1991 Jonathan Kaplan Agency for Cultural Resources Management MAPID_01825 16/06/2012 - 14:45
9-2-079-0012-19910101-ACO An Archaeological Assessment of Shell Middens, Harbour Development Area, Stilbaai AIA Phase 1 01/01/1991 Timothy Hart, Dave Halkett ACO Associates CC MAPID_01826 16/06/2012 - 14:37
9-2-081-0009-19890701-UCT A Report on the Likely Archaeological Implications of the Proposed Development at the Site of the Noordhoek Saltpan AIA Phase 1 01/07/1989 John Parkington, Cedric Poggenpoel ACO Associates CC MAPID_01827 16/06/2012 - 14:37
9-2-081-0009-19900309-ACRM Archaeological Survey: Klein Slangkop Development, Kommetjie AIA Phase 1 09/03/1990 John Parkington, Jonathan Kaplan ACO Associates CC MAPID_01828 16/06/2012 - 14:37
AIA_Noordhoek_Valley_Kaplan_JM_Jun90 A Report on the Archaeological Sensitivity of the Noordhoek Valley AIA Phase 1 01/06/1990 Jonathan Kaplan Agency for Cultural Resources Management MAPID_01829 16/06/2012 - 14:48
9-2-100-0001-19910301-US Transmission Project PKGS 18 Gamma Substation Site, Archaeological Survey Report AIA Phase 1 01/03/1991 Hilary Deacon Stellenbosch University MAPID_01830 16/06/2012 - 14:37
AIA_West_Coast_Heavy_Mineral_Sand_Parkington_J_Jan91 West Coast Heavy Mineral Sand Project: Archaeological Report AIA Phase 1 01/01/1991 John Parkington, Cedric Poggenpoel ACO Associates CC MAPID_01831 16/06/2012 - 14:51
9-2-012-0023-20010901-ACRM Archaeological Report Proposed Voelvlei-Glen Garry Transfer Scheme AIA Phase 1 01/09/2001 Jonathan Kaplan Agency for Cultural Resources Management MAPID_01832 16/06/2012 - 14:33
9-2-012-0023-20030201-ACRM An Archaeological Assessment of Spoil Sites, Borrow Pits and a Walk Through of the Pegged Alignment of a Portion of Main Road 174, N1 to Klipheuwel AIA Phase 1 01/02/2003 Jonathan Kaplan Agency for Cultural Resources Management MAPID_01833 16/06/2012 - 14:34
9-2-012-0028-20010601-ACRM Heritage Impact Assessment: Portion of Erf 35973, Protea Valley, Bellville AIA Phase 1 01/06/2001 Jonathan Kaplan Agency for Cultural Resources Management MAPID_01834 16/06/2012 - 14:34
9-2-012-0029-20030701-ACO Heritage Review: Erven 2499 and 2527 Constantia (Strawberry Lane) AIA Phase 1 01/07/2003 Sarah Winter ACO Associates CC MAPID_01835 16/06/2012 - 14:34
9-2-013-0002-19990301-HYCA Specialist Study on the Current Conservation Status of Archaeological Sites near Struispunt, Waenhuiskrans Nature Reserve AIA Phase 1 01/03/1999 Royden Yates Henshilwood and Yates Consulting Archaeologists MAPID_01836 16/06/2012 - 14:34
9-2-013-0003-20000201-ACRM Archaeological Study Erf 1679, Pearly Beach, Southern Cape Coast AIA Phase 1 01/02/2000 Jonathan Kaplan Agency for Cultural Resources Management MAPID_01837 16/06/2012 - 14:34
9-2-013-0029-19990327-ACRM Archaeological Study Erf 193, Suiderstrand, Southern Cape Coast AIA Phase 1 27/03/1999 Jonathan Kaplan Agency for Cultural Resources Management MAPID_01838 16/06/2012 - 14:34
9-2-013-0029-20021001-ACRM Archaeological Test Excavations Erf 1679, Pearly Beach Southern Cape AIA Phase 1 01/10/2002 Jonathan Kaplan Agency for Cultural Resources Management MAPID_01839 16/06/2012 - 14:34
9-2-015-0003-19990401-HYCA Report of a Phase 1 Archaeological Survey of Erf 115, Rooiels, Western Cape AIA Phase 1 01/04/1999 Royden Yates, Sarah Winter, Christopher Henshilwood Henshilwood and Yates Consulting Archaeologists MAPID_01841 16/06/2012 - 14:34
9-2-015-0026-19941101-ACO Phase One Archaeological Investigation: Gloria Bay, Theewaterskloof Dam AIA Phase 1 01/11/1994 Royden Yates ACO Associates CC MAPID_01842 16/06/2012 - 14:34
9-2-015-0035-19921123-NMC Rock Paintings in Noupoort, Greyton Nature Reserve 23/11/1992 Janette Deacon National Monuments Council MAPID_01844 16/06/2012 - 14:34
9-2-018-0034-20010601-NONE Second Preliminary Report on the Rogge Bay Canal Archaeological Excavation Archaeological Permit Report 01/06/2001 MAPID_01845 16/06/2012 - 14:34
9-2-018-0035-20010201-ACRM Archaeological Study Proposed Development Sunset Beach Phase 7 (Erf 27264) Milnerton AIA Phase 1 01/02/2001 Jonathan Kaplan Agency for Cultural Resources Management MAPID_01846 16/06/2012 - 14:34
Permit_Block_11_Heritage_Square_Halkett_DJ_Jan98 Block 11, Heritage Square, Bree Street AIA Phase 2 01/01/1998 Dave Halkett, Timothy Hart ACO Associates CC MAPID_01847 16/06/2012 - 14:52
9-2-018-0043-20020401-ACRM Phase 1 Heritage Impact Assessment the Proposed Vissershok Landfill Extension Cape Town AIA Phase 1 01/04/2002 Jonathan Kaplan Agency for Cultural Resources Management MAPID_01848 16/06/2012 - 14:34
9-2-018-0148-20001106-HAC Archaeological Assessment and Recommendations Malta Park Observatory Erf No 26162 AIA Phase 1 06/11/2000 Ute Seemann MAPID_01849 16/06/2012 - 14:34
9-2-018-0148-20011201-HAC Report on an Archaeological Investigation of the Varschedrift Farmstead Erven 26126 & 27661 Municipality of Cape Town AIA Phase 1 01/12/2001 Ute Seemann MAPID_01851 16/06/2012 - 14:34
AIA_District_Six_Malan_A_May03 District Six: Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) AIA Phase 1 01/05/2003 A Malan ACO Associates CC MAPID_01852 16/06/2012 - 14:44
9-2-018-0206-20020701-VIDA 2010 World Cup: Proposed Re-Development of Green Point Stadium and Associated Infrastructure. Heritage Impact Assessment HIA Phase 1 01/07/2002 Vidamemoria Heritage Consultants MAPID_01853 16/06/2012 - 14:34
AIA_Hudson_Street_Patrick_M_Dec04 30 Hudson Street Historical Background on Erven 124402 and 9274 Cape Town AIA Phase 1 01/12/2004 Mary Patrick, J Blackenberg Cape Archaeological Survey CC MAPID_01856 16/06/2012 - 14:46
9-2-020-6000-20040801-HAC Archaeological Assessment and Recommendation Erf 741 Cape Town Corner Mechau- /Chiappini- /and Prestwich Streets AIA Phase 1 01/08/2004 Ute Seemann MAPID_01857 16/06/2012 - 14:34
9-2-022-0024-20041001-UCT Assessment of the Farm Jan Dissels River No. 270 (known as Dwarsrivier) Clanwilliam, West Coast District AIA Phase 1 01/10/2004 Anthony Manhire University of Cape Town MAPID_01858 16/06/2012 - 14:34
9-2-081-0073-20041001-ACO Initial Heritage Impact Assessment for the Proposed Subdivision of Portion 35 of Farm 953, Sunnydale AIA Phase 1 01/10/2004 Jayson Orton ACO Associates CC MAPID_01860 16/06/2012 - 14:37
9-2-084-0111-20030301-UP D'Ouwe Werf Church Site and Cemetery Historical Overview and a Preliminary Sub-Surface Investigation AIA Phase 1 01/03/2003 Hennie Vos ArCape MAPID_01861 16/06/2012 - 14:37
9-2-040-0021-19960916-US Archaeological Impact Assessment Report: Shell Middens on the I&J Property at Gansbaai AIA Phase 1 16/09/1996 RJ Goosen Stellenbosch University MAPID_01862 16/06/2012 - 14:35
PIA_Saldanha_Steel_Fossils_Roberts_D_Aug97 Fossil Occurrence at the Saldanha Steel Site PIA Phase 1 05/08/1997 David Roberts Agency for Cultural Resources Management MAPID_01863 16/06/2012 - 14:54
AIA_Die_Bron_Malmesbury_Halkett_DJ_Mar95 Report on the Phase One Archaeological Investigation of Aspects of the Site Known as Die Bron in Malmesbury AIA Phase 1 01/03/1995 Dave Halkett ACO Associates CC MAPID_01864 16/06/2012 - 14:44
9-2-060-0023-20031201-NONE Archaeological Heritage Resources Assessment Plot 10 and Allied Areas of Portion 1 of Farm No. 1050 AIA Phase 1 01/12/2003 Royden Yates MAPID_01865 16/06/2012 - 14:36
AIA_Gouritz_River_Mouth_Halkett_DJ_Nov96 Phase 1 Archaeological Investigation of Land at the Mouth of the Gouritz River AIA Phase 1 01/11/1996 Dave Halkett, Timothy Hart ACO Associates CC MAPID_01866 16/06/2012 - 14:45
AIA_Driefontein_&_Skuifraam_Patrick_M_Feb03 Archaeological Assessment Historical Background on the Property Known as Driefontein and Skuifraam, Franschhoek AIA Phase 1 01/02/2003 Mary Patrick Cape Archaeological Survey CC MAPID_01867 16/06/2012 - 14:44
9-2-069-0158-20020910-US Phase 1 Archaeological Assessment of Palm Valley Farm No 1294, Paarl District AIA Phase 1 10/09/2002 Sarah Wurz Stellenbosch University MAPID_01868 16/06/2012 - 14:36
9-2-079-0008-19991201-ISAM Blombos Cave Project Progress Report Archaeological Permit Report 01/12/1999 Christopher Henshilwood Iziko: South African Museum MAPID_01869 16/06/2012 - 14:37
9-2-084-0001-20001001-UP Jamestown Retail Centre on Blaauwklippen (510), Portion 593/4 Historical and Archaeological Survey AIA Phase 1 01/10/2000 Hennie Vos MAPID_01870 16/06/2012 - 14:37
9-2-084-0122-20020501-UP Teologiese Kweekskool Stellenbosch (Ou Drostdy Perseel) Argeologiese Onderwoek (Fase 1) op die Voorgestelde Kapel-Terrein AIA Phase 1 01/05/2002 Hennie Vos ArCape MAPID_01871 16/06/2012 - 14:37
9-2-101-0003-19971201-ACO An Archaeological Re-Assessment of Boundary Changes, Namakwa Sands Mining Area AIA Phase 1 01/12/1997 Timothy Hart ACO Associates CC MAPID_01872 16/06/2012 - 14:37
9-2-101-0014-19930301-ACO Namakwa Sands Main Access Road Archaeological Survey AIA Phase 1 01/03/1993 John Parkington, Timothy Hart ACO Associates CC MAPID_01873 16/06/2012 - 14:37
9-2-101-0014-20060701-ACRM Phase 1 Archaeological Impact Assessment Proposed Construction of a New Residue Dam, Namakwa Sands Smelter, Saldanha Bay AIA Phase 1 01/07/2006 Jonathan Kaplan Agency for Cultural Resources Management MAPID_01874 16/06/2012 - 14:37
9-2-101-0016-20040101-HYCA An Archaeological Survey of Portions 29 and 30 of Jacobs Bay No. 108 AIA Phase 1 01/01/2004 Royden Yates Henshilwood and Yates Consulting Archaeologists MAPID_01875 16/06/2012 - 14:37
Permit_Near_Shore_Diamond_Minning_Area_Hart_TJ_Jul93 Excavations at Six Archaeological Sites in the near Shore Diamond Minning Area, Brandsebaai, Namaqualand AIA Phase 2 01/07/1993 Timothy Hart, Dave Halkett, John Parkington ACO Associates CC MAPID_01876 16/06/2012 - 14:53



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