


Please be aware that no content and application creation or changes to information on this version of SAHRIS will be retained.

To make applications or utilise SAHRIS for the creation of information, please use the new site:

Changes to SAHRIS!

The South African Heritage Resources Information System (SAHRIS) has undergone a generational upgrade and restructure. These changes to the site include, but are not limited to:

  • A new & modernised look and layout
  • Improved site usage flows with respect to applications and content creation
  • Improved site performance and stability

Launch for the new version of SAHRIS occurred on Monday the 30th of October 2023.

The new site can be found here:


Paris Maru Salvage Application






Wednesday, November 21, 2012 to Tuesday, December 31, 2013




  1. If the permit holder is not to be present on the site at all times then the heritage authority must be provided with the names and qualifications of the authorised representatives.
  2. Adequate recording methods as specified in the Regulations and Guidelines pertaining to the National Heritage Resources Act must be employed. The positions of all datum points and excavations, and all artefacts removed from the wreck must be marked on an accurate plan of the site, which must also include a title, date, north arrow and scale.
  3. Work must be limited to the exploration and recovery of material from the "Paris Maru".
  4. This permit gives the holder the sole right to work on the site for the duration of the permit period.
  5. A detailed log book must be kept to record daily progress, the mapping and location of finds, features of the wreck and sea and weather conditions.
  6. All artefacts removed from the site must be tagged and numbered prior to removal, and the number and description of each artefact entered into an accession register with pre-numbered pages.  A copy of this accession register must be submitted to the heritage authority with the annual report.
  7. The permit holder must work closely with the Bayworld Museum, and all artefacts and materials recovered must be recorded, preserved and identified in collaboration with the Bayworld Museum.  No artefacts may be disposed of without the permission of the heritage authority.
  8. All archaeological material collected and excavated, as well as field notes and records, will be curated by the Bayworld Museum.
  9. An annual progress report on the results of the excavations and analyses must be submitted to the heritage authority issuing this permit on 31 January 2014, and a final report is due on or before 31 July 2014.
  10. Reprints of all published papers or copies of theses and/or reports resulting from this work must be lodged with the heritage authority.
  11. If a published report has not appeared within three years of the lapsing of this permit, the report required in terms of the permit will be made available to researchers on request.
  12. Where applicable, it is the responsibility of the permit holder to obtain permission from the landowner for each visit, and conditions of access imposed by the landowner must be observed.
  13. The heritage authority reserves the right to cancel this permit by notice to the permit holder.
  14. If satisfactory progress reports are not received, this permit may be cancelled. If a published report has not appeared within three years of the lapsing of this permit, the report required in terms of the permit will be made available to researchers on request.
  15. It is the responsibility of the permit holder to fill in excavations and protect sites during and after excavation to the satisfaction of the heritage authority.
  16. The heritage authority shall not be liable for any losses, damages or injuries to persons or properties as a result of any activities in connection with this permit.
  17. The heritage authority reserves the right to cancel this permit by notice to the permit holder.
  18. This permit is subject to a general appeal and may be suspended should an appeal against the decision be received by the heritage authority within 14 days from the date of issue. The heritage authority may not be held responsible for any costs or losses incurred in the event of suspension or retraction of this permit.



PDF of Permit: 


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