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Establishment of infrastructure at Swartkrans, NHS






Friday, November 29, 2013 to Tuesday, May 31, 2016




This permit is issued to Ms Smith as representative of the Management Authority of the Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site for the establishment of site safety infrastructure at the National Heritage Site of Swartkrans Member 1 and Member 4 prior to the excavation of such deposits. 


1. If Ms Smith is not to be present on the site at all times then SAHRA must be provided with the names and qualifications of the authorised representatives.
2. One of the permit holders must be present on site at all times during the installation of the infrastructure. If this is not possible, SAHRA must be informed in writing and provided with the names and qualifications of the authorised representatives.
3. At Member 4 the activities allowed under this permits will be limited to the establishment of a line of less than 200mm diameter wooden mine poles with load spreading headboards in a row at the base of each pole and a board between the mine poles and the highwall. A rock motion detector and a high strength wire mesh along the edges of the current excavation may also be installed. 
4. At Member 1 the Lower Bank excavation will be stabilised by terracing the wall using about 550 interlocking hollow concrete retaining blocks backfilled with sediment. The necessary geofabrics and drainage systems will also be used.
The excavators must ensure that a witness section for the Lower Bank of Member 1 is maintained.  
5. Before New Concept Mining may commence with the installation at Member 4, the Swartkrans research team will have to have cleared the floor just beyond the drop-off of all rubble and debris for analysis.
6. Prior to commencing with the installation, New Concept Mining, together with the research team will determine the placement and exact height of each mine pole, the distance between the poles (and thus the exact number of poles to be installed to ensure that safety is achieved and the excavators may work in between the poles), the extent to which the headboards will have to be pre-stressed.
7. As much as possible all material necessary for the installation must be assembled out of the cave in a surface pre-agreed area with the permit holders. 
8. It is understood that the COHWHS MA will photograph the affected area prior to the installation, and again after the installation has been completed.
9. An interim report on the results of the site safety activities must be submitted to SAHRA on or before the end of November 2014 and November 2015. A final report must be submitted to SAHRA before the end of November 2016. SAHRA reserves the right to withhold further permits if progress is not deemed satisfactory.
10. It is the responsibility of the permit holder to obtain permission from the landowner for each visit, and she is responsible for ensuring that she has an understanding with the landowner concerning: the number of visitors and workers; speed limits on access roads; possible prohibitions on off-road driving; size, type and number of vehicles permitted; possible prohibitions on trespassing beyond the site; disturbing fauna, flora or substrate; appropriate hours of visiting and working on the Site; use of firewood, electricity and water; lighting fires and the prevention of uncontrolled fires and any fencing necessary to protect livestock. Conditions of access imposed by the landowner must be observed.
11. SAHRA shall not be liable for any losses, damages or injuries to persons or properties as a result of any activities in connection with this permit.
12. SAHRA reserves the right to cancel this permit by notice to the permit holder.


COH WHS MA Swartkrans



PDF of Permit: 

PDF icon Swartkrans_Infrastructure_permit.pdf136.35 KB

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