


Please be aware that no content and application creation or changes to information on this version of SAHRIS will be retained.

To make applications or utilise SAHRIS for the creation of information, please use the new site:

Changes to SAHRIS!

The South African Heritage Resources Information System (SAHRIS) has undergone a generational upgrade and restructure. These changes to the site include, but are not limited to:

  • A new & modernised look and layout
  • Improved site usage flows with respect to applications and content creation
  • Improved site performance and stability

Launch for the new version of SAHRIS occurred on Monday the 30th of October 2023.

The new site can be found here:








Monday, January 26, 2009 to Thursday, March 1, 2012





1. If the permit holder is not to be present on the site at all times then SAHRA must be provided with the names and qualifications of the authorised representatives.
2. The permit holders are requested to supply SAHRA within six weeks with the following;
a) A Researcher-Landowner agreement;
b) An indication (bearing in mind that excavators are responsible for the long term stability of the faces created by excavation) of how the stabilization will be done when the present phase of work reaches completion;
c) A status quo photograph, taken at commence¬ment of new excavations to indicate the excavation areas that were targeted in the previous permit;
d) A site plan, marked with the areas (squares) and faces to be excavated during the next three year cycle; and a plan showing the excavation area in relation to proclamation boundary. The area(s) designated for any new dumpsites;
e) An indication of how the already excavated sections and faces, will be stabilized as a record in perpetuity. Vertical faces should not exceed a height that allows them to become unstable. (The safety inspection should include assessment of steep vertical drops, friable decalcified exaction walls; pathways and access, including the metal ladder, the hanging wall and excavation area, the large white stinkwood above the new excavation area).
f) Arrangements for disposal of acid treatments, including chemicals, fumes and waste water at the Sterkfontein laboratory. SAHRA and the reviewers are concerned about the safety of excavators. Every care needs to be taken until the safety inspection scheduled by the MA in May has been undertaken. If this does not occur SAHRA and the permit holder must reconsider the permit.
3. Stabilization bags should be the strong army bags, wrapped and sewn into in sausages of geotextile painted with ultraviolet resistant paint if in the sun.
4. If any field schools are arranged a portaloo or environloo must be supplied.
5. All material collected and excavated, as well as field notes and records, will be lodged with the Institute of Human Evolution, University of the Witwatersrand, who will be responsible for the permanent curation and safekeeping of all artefact and palaeontological material in a condition that allows on-going research.
6. Adequate recording methods as specified in the Regulations and Guidelines pertaining to the National Heritage Resources Act must be used. Note that the position of all excavations must be marked on a plan of each site.

7. A progress report must be submitted to SAHRA on or before 1 March 2010 and 1 March 2011 and a final report is due on or before 1 March 2012. SAHRA reserves the right to withhold further permits if progress is not deemed satisfactory.
8. Reprints of all published papers or copies of theses or reports resulting from this work must be lodged with SAHRA.
9. If a published report has not appeared within one year of the lapsing of this permit, the report required in terms of the permit will be made available to researchers on request.
10. It is the responsibility of the permit holder to obtain permission from the landowner for each visit, and the excavator must submit to SAHRA a Researcher-Landowner Agreement.
11. The licensed excavator shall be responsible for the activities and impacts of all colleagues, students and employees under his or her supervision and for their compliance with the terms of the Heritage Agreement and the Management Plan for this site.
12. Excavators must take measures to ensure the safety of any person who may enter the National Heritage Site as part of their excavation team or as their visitor.
13 All licensed excavators, including colleagues, visitors, students and employees under the direct supervision of the permit holder must carry documents of identification indicating their legitimacy to be on the National Heritage Site.
14 It is the responsibility of the permit holder to protect sites during and after excavation and to ensure that where appropriate excavations are filled in or stabilized with adequate materials (e.g. Loffelstein blocks or army bags in geotextile) to the satisfaction of SAHRA.
15. SAHRA shall not be liable for any losses, damages or injuries to persons or properties as a result of any activities in connection with this permit.
16. SAHRA reserves the right to cancel this permit upon notice to the permit holder.
17. This permit is subject to a general appeal and may be suspended should an appeal against the decisions be received by SAHRA within 14 days from the date of the permit. SAHRA may not be held responsible for any costs or losses incurred in the event of the suspension or retraction of this permit.

PDF of Permit: 

PDF icon 015Nov08BrainPickeringSwartkrans2.pdf68.93 KB

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