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Taung Skull World Heritage Site: Protection of sensitive sites- Equus cave






Wednesday, March 2, 2016 to Saturday, March 2, 2019



Thank you for submitting the above application to SAHRA for review.

SAHRA finds the following as pivotal to the approval, namely, that- 'The structures will be located at a reasonably safe distance from the sensitive site'. There is no defined distance given for the proposed location of the structure.
Via audio and visual technology the visitor will be able to discover the caves with no physical presence inside the sensitive site. This is unconditionally supported.
It was also proposed that both pavilions be made of concrete with local aggregate but constructed on a raft foundation where necessary to eliminate all need to dig deep excavations for foundations. 

SAHRA has a concern in respect of the proposed use of concrete. The reason is that on-site impacts might arise out of the casting of the structures. It is also advised that the Archaeology, Paleontology and Meteorites Unit is alerted when site work begins. In the event that any material is discovered during excavation, work should cease immediately and the aforementioned APM unit duly advised.

Proposal Description from Applicant: This aspect of the project consists of protecting two archaeologically sensitive caves: the Equus Cave and the Black Earth Cave. The structures will be located at a reasonably safe distance from the sensitive site. Via audio and visual technology the visitor will be able to discover the caves with no physical presence inside the sensitive site. It was also proposed that both pavilions be made of concrete with local aggregate but constructed on a raft foundation where necessary to eliminate all need to dig deep excavations for foundations. Steel has been eliminated due to the theft and vandalism commonly occurring in the entire site precinct.

The following Documents were reviewed: 
Plan Drawing:DWG No. 265_EQ-C_TD-100
Section Drawing: DWG No. 265_EQ-C_TD-200
Screen Wall Detail: DWG No. 265_EQ-C_TD-600

The South African  Heritage Resources Agency reviewed all documentation and deemed the following: 
The structures need to be located at a reasonably safe distance from the sensitive site. The loading and the scale of the overall intervention needs to be such that there is no dramatic change done to the current condition of the site. The use of materials such as concrete  raised concerns of how the onsite impacts such as cut and fill as well as disposal of materials will be mitigated on site during construction. It  is therefore imperative that before construction commences a detailed construction management plan be submitted  to SAHRA addressing said concerns. 

Due to the topography and elevation on this particular section of the site, SAHRA is of the opinion that some of the materials to be disposed of due to earthworks should be reflected on the construction management plan and monitored accordingly so that no undue damage is incurred on the heritage resource. To this end the Mitigation Strategy concerning heritage structures/ artefacts proposed by the applicant need to be followed and a construction management plan needs to be submitted to SAHRA prior to all work being carried out. Once construction is completed a closing report is requested in order to have the permit requirements and the file for the site in order.

From the overall submission and supporting documentation, SAHRA gives consent for the construction of Protection of sensitive sites- Equus cave within the Taung Skull World Heritage Site Precinct provided that all conditions of the permit conditions are duly followed and all heritage related principles are adhered to according to the ambit of the National Heritage Resources Agency Act No. 25 of 1999. Should you have any further enquiries concerning said permit please do not hesitate to contact the office of the Built Environment Unit Manager: Mr Gregory Ontong at and the office of Archaeology, Palaeontology & Meteorites Unit Manager: Mr Philip Hine at

This permit is issued to Applicant: Mashabane Rose Associates: Mr Marc Sherratt for the  Protection of sensitive sites- Equus cave within the Taung Skull World Heritage Site Precinct.

1. If Mr Marc Sherratt is not to be present on the site at all times then SAHRA must be provided with the names and qualifications of the authorised representatives.
2. The activities will consist of:
• All relevant excavations and preparation of site for construction of the Protection of sensitive sites- Equus cave
• Removal and disposal of all waste material related to the construction
• The building of the intervention on site
3. A monitoring schedule should be developed in discussion with the site archaeologist and the current Taung WHS research team to monitor activities on regular basis that might impact on significant archaeological and palaeontological resources. 
4. All waste material and left over equipment will be removed from the site once the construction has been completed, and the site will be left in the manner it was found (save for the new access ramp).
5. The landowner must be consulted before any intervention and Mr Marc Sherratt or a representative of the landowner should be on site on the first day of any excavation activities.
6. It is understood that Mr Marc Sherratt will photograph the affected area prior to any excavation activities related to the construction and again after construction has been completed.
7. A final report on the results of the activities should be submitted to SAHRA no later than 30 days after final completion of works.
8. It is the responsibility of the permit holder to obtain permission from the landowner for each visit, and to ensuring that she has an understanding with the landowner concerning: the number of visitors and workers; speed limits on access roads; possible prohibitions on off-road driving; size, type and number of vehicles permitted; possible prohibitions on trespassing beyond the site; disturbing fauna, flora or substrate; appropriate hours of visiting and working on the site; use of firewood, electricity and water; lighting fires and the prevention of uncontrolled fires and any fencing necessary to protect livestock. Conditions of access imposed by the landowner must be observed.
9. Should any objects of archaeological or palaeontological remains be found during construction activities, work must immediately stop in that area and the Environmental Control Officer (ECO) must be informed. The ECO must inform the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA) and contact the responsible archaeologist and/or palaeontologist, depending on the nature of the find, to assess the importance and rescue them if necessary (with the relevant SAHRA permit). No work may be resumed in this area without the permission from the ECO and SAHRA.
10. SAHRA shall not be liable for any losses, damages or injuries to persons or properties as a result of any activities in connection with this permit.
11. SAHRA reserves the right to cancel this permit by notice to the permit holder.
12. This permit is subject to a general appeal and may be suspended should an appeal against the decisions be received by SAHRA within 14 days from the date of the permit. SAHRA may not be held responsible for any costs or losses incurred in the event of the suspension or retraction of this permit.



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