


Please be aware that no content and application creation or changes to information on this version of SAHRIS will be retained.

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Changes to SAHRIS!

The South African Heritage Resources Information System (SAHRIS) has undergone a generational upgrade and restructure. These changes to the site include, but are not limited to:

  • A new & modernised look and layout
  • Improved site usage flows with respect to applications and content creation
  • Improved site performance and stability

Launch for the new version of SAHRIS occurred on Monday the 30th of October 2023.

The new site can be found here:


erf 3741 Stalplein - Paliament Precinct - Refurbishment of Granite Structures






Tuesday, November 6, 2018 to Saturday, November 6, 2021




Thank you for submitting your application to the South African Heritage Resources Agency Built Environment Unit for a permit under the prescripts of the National Heritage Resources Act no.25 of 1999 Section 27(18). The application was reviewed by the South African Heritage Resources Agency, (SAHRA) Built Environment Unit.

The following documents formed part of the application and were adjudicated: 

  •  Presentation
  •  Surface Repairs - Site Plan
  •  surface Repairs - Photographs
  •  Structural Report ( Granite specifications )
  •  Fixing and fitment details
  •  DPW & Bvi Consulting Contact person details
  •  C32076s-201-01 - SURFACE REPAIRS.pdf
  •  C32076s-201-02 - SURFACE REPAIRS PHOTOGRAPHS - REV A.pdf
  •  32076.00 -REP-001 rev1.pdf
  •  GuidesVertical Surfaces_ fixing details.pdf
  •  DPW - Contact.pdf
  •  32076.00 -REP-001 rev2 - PRESENTATION.pdf 
 From the overall submission and supporting documentation, SAHRA gives consent for the Refurbishment of Granite Structures erf 3741 Stalplein - Parliament Precinct  buildings provided that all conditions of the permit conditions are duly followed along with all heritage related principles under the ambit of the National Heritage Resources Agency Act No. 25 of 1999. Should you have any further inquiries concerning said permit please do not hesitate to contact the office of the Built Environment Unit: Mr Gcobani Sipoyo at & the manager of Built Environment Unit: Mr. Ben Mwasinga at and the office of Archaeology, Palaeontology & Meteorites Unit Manager: Mr Philip Hine at

This permit is issued to Applicant: 


1. If  Mr. Graham Bergstedt of BVI Consulting Engineers is not to be present on the site at all times then SAHRA must be provided with the names and qualifications of the authorized representatives.

2. The activities will consist of: • All relevant excavations and preparation of site for construction • Removal and disposal of all waste material related to construction • The building of the structure and making good according to documentation and a construction management plan which will be submitted to SAHRA with a the commencement date of site occupation for our records. 

3. All waste material and left over equipment will be removed from the site once the construction has been completed, and the site will be left in the manner it was found (save for the new action).

4. The landowner (DPW) must be consulted before any intervention and (permit holder) or a representative of the landowner should be on site on the first day of the action).

5. It is understood that Mr. Graham Bergstedt of BVI Consulting Engineers will photograph the affected area prior to the construction and again after the construction has been completed and submitted to SAHRA with as built drawings highlighting any revisions.

6. A final report on the results of the activities in the form of a closing report should be submitted to SAHRA by no later than 30 days after final completion of works by contractor on site.

7. It is the responsibility of the permit holder to obtain permission from the landowner/site manager  for each visit, and to ensuring that she has an understanding with the landowner concerning: the number of visitors and workers;speed limits on access roads; possible prohibitions on off-road driving; size, type and number of vehicles permitted; possible prohibitions on trespassing beyond the site; disturbing fauna, flora or substrate;appropriate hours of visiting and working on the site; use of firewood, electricity and water; lighting fires and the prevention of uncontrolled fires and any fencing necessary to protect livestock. Conditions of access imposed by the landowner must be observed.

8. SAHRA shall not be liable for any losses, damages or injuries to persons or properties as a result of any activities in connection with this permit. 

9. SAHRA reserves the right to cancel this permit by notice to the permit holder.

10. This permit is subject to a general appeal and may be suspended should an appeal against the decisions be received by SAHRA within 14 days from the date of the permit. SAHRA may not be held responsible for any costs or losses incurred in the event of the suspension or retraction of this permit.



PDF of Permit: 


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