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Game Pass 1 Shelter 2929BC24, Farm Game Pass 15936, Mooi River District






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Post date: 17/09/2012
Common Name: Game Pass 5596
Alternate Code & Name: 2929BC 024 2929BC Kamberg
Site Comments:

Long, open shelter, approx 80 m in length, 3-12 m in depth and 1->10 m in height. Faces north-east with good outlook down the Mooi Valley. No natural screening and a sharp slope immediately in front of shelter. Seepage is present, with vegetation and lime encrustation on rockface, however, not very extensive. Rocky floor with vegetation, which is mainly to the front of the shelter. Little or no deposit; if any, on righthand side of shelter. No cultural material visible on surface. Water available on plateau below site and on site.

367+ paintings: 116 animals: 59 eland, 7 rhebuck, 4 harte-beest, 20 indeterminate bovids, 15 other animals, 2 birds (cranes), 9 indeterminate remains.

154 humans: 18 males, 79 indeterminate, 1 split-human, 55 man-animal, 1 single leg.

Other: 4 bags, 10 sticks and lines, equipment, clothing, 41 finger smudges, 18 daubs of paint, 24 paint smudges.

Panel 1.
4 red indeterminate antelope, facing R. Right & up, 3 red paint smudges. Directly below, 6 red finger smudges. Right & up, an orangey-yellow eland with the top outlined in red, the hind legs are red and it is facing L. Below, red & pink eland with legs & horns, facing R. Below & slightly to L, red human walking R with quiver. Both to R & L below this figure there are 4 daubs of red paint. Right, 2 red finger smudges. Right & down from red/pink eland, white indetermnt antelope with long staright horns. Below, another indetermnt antelope, white with long straight horns. Up & R, faded red indetermnt antelope with long straight horns. These previous 3 antelope have similar body & horn shapes & are all facing R.
3 metres to R of Panel 1 & at same level, seated red kaross-clad human facing R. Down 20 cm, small red rhebuck leaning down, giving the impression of eating, facing L. One m to R, red smudge of paint. Right 4.5 m (same level), small indetermnt white animal, facing R. Below, single running red human with legs outstretched, facing R. Right & up, indetermnt red antelope facing L. Superimposed above this is a red-orange eland with a red & white outline on top of the body. Head & horns are in white. Around these 2 antelopes are 3 small white human figures, 1 above & 2 below. All 3 have outstretched legs & the 1 below R appears to be aiming an arrow at the eland. He is facing L while the other 2 are facing L. right 50 cms, white male walking R with stick in hand & quiver on back. Right, faded red paint - it could be kaross-clad figure. Right & up, red lines which could be a kaross-clad figure. Down 25 cms, white human walking R. Right & below, 2 small black humans facing L; one on L appears to have fallen on his backside while one on R is giving chase. Up & R, small black human falling forward to the L. Right 4 m & on same level, 3 smudges of red paint.
Panel 2.
Begins 4.5 m to R & on same level. On this panel there are 15 red figures with animal-like heads & human-looking bodies. There are also several figures (human & animal) interspersed between them. These will be discussed where they occur in the L-R sequence. All 15 man-animals are facing R.
Figure 1 is kaross-clad with bead-decorated band strung diagonally (top left) across its body. It is holding a stick with 4 tassels in its L hand. Its neck is decorated with a red necklace with white dots. There are tassels at bottom of its kaross. It has ears on top of its head.
Between Figures 1 & 2, there is a split human figure with an orange body & red legs, facing R.
Figure 2 is similar to Figure 1. It is kaross-clad & has 3 tassels at bottom of its kaross. Holding stick with 4 tassels. Has white-beaded red necklace & ears on top of its head. However the bead-decorated band is diagonal (top R) across its body.
Figure 3: similar to 1 & 2. Kaross-clad, bead decorated neck, ears on top of head & 3 tassels at bottom of its kaross. Bead decorated band from top L across body.
Figures 1-3 have tasseled headgear & their knees showing just below their karosses are bead decorated.

A large shelter in the top krans at the extreme southern point of this farm, about 100 metres from the fence of the Kamberg Nature Reserve. The farm was later purchased by KZN Wildlife. The site has now been opened to the public, provided they are accompanied by trained custodians. A clear path leads up from the Wildlife office to the site which is within a locked enclosure. Coordinates are map-read. Elevation:

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