Heritage Cases



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Special Notice

Following comments received on the proposed Revised Schedule of Fees for applications made to the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA), made in terms of Section 25(2)(l) of the National Heritage Resources Act No. 25 of 1999 (NHRA) and published in the Government Gazette of 22 July 2022, SAHRA hereby publishes the final Revised Schedule of Fees for Applications made to SAHRA. Applications for provision of services submitted to the South African Heritage Resources Authority (SAHRA), in terms of the National Heritage Resources Act, No. 25 of 1999 (NHRA) must be accompanied by a payment of the appropriate fee, taking effect from 1 January 2023

Revised Schedule of Fees for Applications made to the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA)

Savanna City graves relocation





Case Type: 


APPLICATION TO RELOCATE GRAVES LOCATED AT – SAVANNA CITY TOWNSHIP ESTABLISHMENT ON PORTIONS 1,9,10.11,12 AND 18 OF THE FARM DOORNKUIL 369IQ, SEDIBENG DISTRICT GAUTENG PROVINCE 43 graves in 3 cemeteries and one additional possible grave that was identified during recent construction work to be relocated to the closest municipal cemetery.


BACKGROUND INFORMATION The graves subject to this application was identified as part of a Heritage Impact Assessment and it was recommended that the graves be relocated. The development impacting on the current location of the graves is a housing development of large extent. All other permissions and permits required for the development have been granted and the installation of essential services and infrastructure has already started. Our company has been appointed by Savanna City development to effect the relocation of a number of graves. We will be assisted in this regard by Martins Funeral Undertakers, Roodepoort. A letter of appointment and acceptance is attached as a separate document. A public consultation process, including site and newspaper notices and radio broadcasts, to identify next of kin for the graves was undertaken and no family members have contacted PGS yet to claim any of the graves (see details below). In addition extensive documentary and archival research was conducted. LEGAL COMPLIANCE In order to fully comply with legislation we are also seeking the permission of the following entities: • In terms of Removal of Graves and Dead Bodies Ordinance (Ord 7 of 1925) we are applying to the delegated Provincial MEC which is also the authorized sphere of government identified in of the Regulations Relating to the Management of Human Remains (No R 363 of 22 May 2013) of the National Health Act (No 61 of 2003). • In terms of the Regulations Relating to the Management of Human Remains (No R 363 of 22 May 2013) of the National Health Act (No 61 of 2003) we are applying to the Local and District Municipality who have jurisdiction to ensure the supervision of an Environmental Health Practitioner. • In terms of the Regulations Relating to the Management of Human Remains (No R 363 of 22 May 2013) of the National Health Act (No 61 of 2003) we will notify the local SAPS and arrange for a member of SAPS to be present during the exhumation. EXHUMATION PROCESS The exhumation of the graves subject to this application will be conducted by a professional registered funeral undertaker assisted by an accredited archaeologist where it is required by the National Heritage Resources Act (25 of 1999)(Graves older than 60 years). Where the affected family or next-of-kin could be identified their presence at the exhumation and participation in the re-burial will be arranged. All actions in term of supervision and control during exhumation and re-burial will be in compliance with the requirements of Regulations Relating to the Management of Human Remains (No R 363 of 22 May 2013) of the National Health Act (No 61 of 2003). Any person that comes in contact with the human remains or is involved with the excavation of the grave will be supplied with, and be required to wear the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). The human remains will be placed in a new coffin at the grave side immediately upon exhumation and will be sealed and disinfected before handling and transport to the re-burial site. Disinfectants and precautionary measures will be used during all stages of the exhumation process. A registered Funeral Undertaker from the jurisdiction in which the graves are located was appointed to conduct the exhumation, transport and re-burial of the graves. CONSULTATION WITH AFFECTED PARTIES In order to identify the deceased individuals buried in the graves subject to this application the following public participation and social consultation activities were conducted: • Leading up to the inception of the development project an extensive public participation process was conducted in compliance with environmental, social and heritage impact assessment processes. This culminated in the granting of a record of decision (RoD) allowing the project to continue on the recommendation that the affected graves be exhumed and re-buried elsewhere. • The following public notices were placed: Notice Date Language Response allowed Refer for copy Site notice at grave 6 February 2014 English, isiZulu 60 days Relevant copies of notices are attached as separate documents National circulation Newspaper notice: Daily Sun 27 February 2014 English, isiZulu 14 days Local circulation newspaper notice: Lenasia Times End-March 2014 issue English, isiZulu 14 days Radio broadcast: Ukhozi FM 9 slots between 10-13 April 2014 isiZulu 14 days Response received on the notices placed: No response was received as a result of the notices that were placed. Some community members, when asked, indicated that they have noted they heard and read the notices, but didn’t respond since they did not have graves in that area. • Documentary and archival research with the aim of identifying the graves and the possible next-of-kin of the deceased individuals was conducted by a professional historian with experience in archival research. The farm name or physical address where the graves are located, as well as any names from headstones and any available historical maps and photographs were included in the research. Name and contact particulars of historian: J Kitto and PD Birkholtz, PGS Heritage, Jennifer@gravesolutions.co.za, Tel: (w) 012 332 5305 Summary of results: No reference to graves on the properties in question were found in any of the sources. According to the List of farms in the Transvaal book the Farm was previously Doornkuil 36, Vereniging district. Documents and plans relating to this farm were found, but none referred to graves on the property. The subdivision of the farm is documented, but no cemeteries are mentioned. Some documents with information regarding owners at certain dates and administration applications were also found. • Based on the results of the above actions an extensive stakeholder based social consultation process aimed at identifying and consulting with individually affected families was conducted over a period of three months by a professional social consultant. The findings were as follows: Name and contact particulars of social consultant: T Phili, PGS Heritage, Troy@gravesolutions.co.za, Tel: (w) 012 332 5305 Summary of results: There are no leads on the two identified graveyards within Savannah Park that are within the scope of development. The Mokoena family members have taken me to another graveyard that has approximately 70 graves where burials were taking place. The earliest grave with a headstone dates back to 1940 and the most recent is 1984, and they have no information on the other two grave yards. They also mentioned that there are graves within the blue gum trees and know about the families that used to reside there. Was also warned on the potential danger of robberies by vagrants living within close proximity to 2nd graveyard located in the veld. • Permission by next-of-kin: Due to the fact that the buried individuals and next-of-kin could not be identified the grave and affected family remains unknown. • Death certificates: Where death certificates are available for the buried individuals subject to this application they are attached as separate documents. Where no death certificates were available or none could be obtained the reasons for this are listed in a separate attached document. • Landowner permission: A copy of the land owner’s permission to exhume and re-bury the remains is attached as a separate document. RE-BURIAL OF THE REMAINS The remains in graves subject to this application will be reburied at the following localities: Evaton municipal cemetery


Tuesday, June 3, 2014 - 12:22





Savanna City grave relocation: Cemetery 1
Savanna City grave relocation: Cemetery 2
Savanna City grave relocation: Cemetery 3
Savanna City grave relocation: Possible grave

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