Heritage Cases



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Special Notice

Following comments received on the proposed Revised Schedule of Fees for applications made to the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA), made in terms of Section 25(2)(l) of the National Heritage Resources Act No. 25 of 1999 (NHRA) and published in the Government Gazette of 22 July 2022, SAHRA hereby publishes the final Revised Schedule of Fees for Applications made to SAHRA. Applications for provision of services submitted to the South African Heritage Resources Authority (SAHRA), in terms of the National Heritage Resources Act, No. 25 of 1999 (NHRA) must be accompanied by a payment of the appropriate fee, taking effect from 1 January 2023

Revised Schedule of Fees for Applications made to the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA)

Proposed Alterations and additions at 4 White Road, Ladysmith





Case Type: 


Proposed Alterations and additions to Portion 2 of ERF 105 Ladysmith, 4 White Road, Hospital Park, Ladysmith, KwaZulu-Natal. Drawings: 5047-100; 5047-101


Existing dwelling and outbuilding to be altered, and additions to be made to the buildings to convert them into office space. The main buildings will remain intact, with alterations happening with-in the inside of the buildings. The external will have the additions done, by way of adding aesthetic elements to the façade with additional parking areas and stairs/ ramps for access. HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE The property is located in the suburb of Hospital Park, close to the corner with Francis Road. The history of this property cannot be traced back with certainty as virtually no historical records are available from the Local Council. It is quite clear that the building has been heavily modified over the years from its original design, further making it difficult to determine the exact original design. This original building however appears to be dating from the late 1940’s to early 1950’s, with original architectural features such as a front veranda, corrugated metal roof and timber casement type windows having been heavily modified, altered or replaced over the years. The only information available to possibly date the buildings on site is the title deed, showing the property to have been sub-divided around July 1954 (Sub 2 of Lot 105, as per title deed), with 4 White Rd being on Portion 2. The adjoining LOT 3133 currently houses a more modern townhouse development. No other significant historical importance can be traced to the property. ARCHITECTURAL SIGNIFICANCE The dwelling is a single storey cottage with a hip roof of corrugated iron at 17 degree pitch. It has a bluestone plinth (plastered and painted) with plastered walls. One street facing window is of timber frame casement type while all others are steel framed, possibly replacing the original timber ones. The original front veranda has been enclosed at some point, with a front entrance canopy added presumably at the same time. The interior still has pine timber flooring in the main living room and two bedrooms, while all other areas have concrete floors with tiling. The outbuilding/ garage is a brick structure with mono pitch corrugated metal roof. URBAN SETTING & ADJOINING PROPERTIES: White Road leads off Francis Road, and main feeding corridor from the CDB to the north- eastern suburbs of Ladysmith. The property is located at 04 White Rd, one house away from Francis Rd. The surrounding houses in the area were constructed in different eras, with No. 2 White Rd appearing to be of a similar era as No. 4. Other surrounding properties appear to be from the 1980-2000 period. Houses at No. 3 and 2 White Rd have been converted into business premises, while No. 3 and 6 are townhouse developments. None of these in our opinion have any architectural or historic significance. The buildings at No. 4 White Road have been, as far as can be established, always used as a residential dwelling. DEMOLITION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES As previously noted this building has undergone significant additions and alterations by the previous owners. While some resemblance of the original building is evident, the original character and architectural features of this building have been significantly altered. The client is eager to keep the main structure of the original house in order, but to repurpose the buildings to function as a commercial office building, in line with some of the adjacent converted office buildings in the neighbourhood. This will mainly be through the replacement of windows and doors, alterations to the facades and decorative plaster and panelling. The main structures will therefore not be demolished. ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING BUILDINGS In order to be sensitive to the streetscape, the footprint and height profile of the original house is proposed to remain. Notable changes proposed to the structure include: 1. In order to accommodate the change in function, we propose changing the existing mix of steel and timber windows to new aluminium windows where required (refer to elevation drawings supplied for verification). 2. The exterior finishes proposed are to provide a more commercial appearance to the building. 3. Structural changes proposed for the original roof structure will be for the outbuilding only, to align with the proposed new designs of the main building. 4. The internal layout of the house and outbuilding will require breakages to accommodate the change in function and require significant changes to the internal finishes (refer to plans of supplied drawings). ADDITIONS TO EXISTING BUILDING Minor new additions are proposed for the main house, but limited to built-out facebrick screening walls to hide air-conditioning plant and a new parapet façade metal cladding. MOTIVATION FOR PROPOSED WORK 1. The buildings on this property are in a relatively good, structural condition. The numerous alterations and additions over time have however diminished most of the original character of the house. 2. Being in close proximity to Francis Road, where the majority of buildings are used for commercial properties, the Client is desirous to convert the building for commercial office use. 3. The client is also eager to utilise the property as a commercial office building, and therefore seeks to alter the appearance of the building to suit same. 4. The client is not eager to change the massing or footprint of the building, only its intended use and to alter the facades to speak to the new use of the building.


Tuesday, March 14, 2023 - 16:01






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