Heritage Cases



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Changes to SAHRIS!

The South African Heritage Resources Information System (SAHRIS) has undergone a generational upgrade and restructure. These changes to the site include, but are not limited to:

  • A new & modernised look and layout
  • Improved site usage flows with respect to applications and content creation
  • Improved site performance and stability

Launch for the new version of SAHRIS occurred on Monday the 30th of October 2023.

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SAHRA Application Closure

Please note the following concerning applications submitted to the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA) during the December 2023 to January 2024 period.

The full notice is available here: Notice

Special Notice

Following comments received on the proposed Revised Schedule of Fees for applications made to the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA), made in terms of Section 25(2)(l) of the National Heritage Resources Act No. 25 of 1999 (NHRA) and published in the Government Gazette of 22 July 2022, SAHRA hereby publishes the final Revised Schedule of Fees for Applications made to SAHRA. Applications for provision of services submitted to the South African Heritage Resources Authority (SAHRA), in terms of the National Heritage Resources Act, No. 25 of 1999 (NHRA) must be accompanied by a payment of the appropriate fee, taking effect from 1 January 2023

Revised Schedule of Fees for Applications made to the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA)

Soyuz 3 Wind Energy Facility Draft Environmental Impact Assessment





Development Type: 


The applicant Soyuz 3 (Pty) Ltd is proposing the development of a commercial Wind Energy Facility (WEF) and associated infrastructure on a site located approximately 35 km South of Britstown within the Emthanjeni and Ubuntu Local Municipalities and the Pixley ka Seme District Municipality in the Northern Cape Province.


The applicant Soyuz 3(Pty) Ltd is proposing the development of a commercial Wind Energy Facility (WEF)and associated infrastructure on a site located approximately 35 km South ofBritstownwithin the Emthanjeniand Ubuntu Local Municipalitiesand the Pixley ka SemeDistrict Municipality in the Northern Cape Province. Fiveadditional WEF’s are concurrently being considered on the surrounding propertiesand are assessed by way of separate impact assessment processes contained in the 2014 Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (GN No. R982, as amended) for listed activities contained in Listing Notices 1, 2 and 3 (GN R983, R984 and R985, as amended).These projects are known as Soyuz 1WEF, Soyuz 2WEF, Soyuz 4 WEF, Soyuz 5 WEF and Soyuz 6WEF.A preferred project site with an extent of approximately 125000hahas been identified as a technically suitable area for the development of the sixWEFprojects.It is proposed that each WEFwill comprise of up to 75turbines with a contracted capacity of up to480 MW. It is anticipated that each WEF will have an actual (permanent) footprint of up to 150ha.The Soyuz3WEF project site covers approximately 23 800ha and comprises the following farm portions:•Portion 4 of the FarmNo. 143•Remaining Extent of Portion 1 of the Farm No. 143•Portion 9 of the Farm Combuisfontein No. 142. •Portion 8 of the Farm Combuisfontein No. 142•Portion 4 of the Farm Combuisfontein No. 142•Portion 3 (a portion of Portion 1) of the Farm Combuisfontein No. 142•Portion 6 (a portion of Portion 1 –Gemsbokdam) of the Farm Combuisfontein No. 142•Portion 2 of the Farm Combuisfontein No. 142•Portion 2 of the Farm No. 2•Portion 0of Farm No. 144.•Portion 1 of the Farm No. 2 •Remaining Extent of the Farm No. 2•Remaining Extent of Portion 13 of the Farm Welgedagt No. 3The Soyuz3WEFproject site is proposed to accommodate the following infrastructure,which will enable the wind farm to supply acontracted capacity of up to 480MW:•Up to 75 wind turbines with a maximum hub height of up to 160m and a rotor diameter of up to 200 m;•A transformer at the base of each turbine;•Concrete turbine foundationsof up to 1024 m2each;•Permanent Crane hardstand/blade and tower laydown area/crane boom erection area with a combined maximum footprint 5000 m2at eachWTG;•Temporary concrete batch plants to be located at the construction camp area and thesatellite laydown areas;•Battery Energy Storage System (with a footprint of up to 5 ha);•Internal up to 132 kV overhead lines between substations.A 300m wide corridor(150m on either side of the proposed route) has been considered to allow for any technical and environmental sensitivity constraints identified during micro-siting prior to layoutfinalisation. Permanent service roads will be required for the construction and maintenance of theoverhead lines. In areas where these overhead lines do not follow an existing or proposed road, additional roads of up to 3m in width will be required. Temporary construction areas beneath each overhead line tower position will also be required; •Medium voltage (33 kV) cables/powerlinesrunning from wind turbinesto the facility substations. The routing will follow existing/proposed access roads and will be buried where possible. If the use of overhead lines is required, the Avifaunal Specialist willbe consulted timeously to ensure that a raptor friendly pole design are used, and that appropriate mitigation is implemented pro-actively. •Up to six permanent met masts;•Three substations and operation and maintenance facilities (up to 4 ha each) as well as a laydown area (8000 m2) at each substation for the electrical contractor. Operation and maintenance facilities include a gate house, security building, control centre, offices, warehousesandworkshops. •Three temporary main construction camp areas (up to 12.25 ha each);•Twelve temporary satellite laydown areas (5000 m2each).•Access roads to the site and between project components inclusive of stormwater infrastructure. A 200 m road corridor is being applied for to allow for slight realignments pending technical and environmental sensitivity constraints identified during micro-siting prior to layout finalisation. The final road will have maximum width of 12 m (within the 200 m corridor).The development of the proposed Soyuz 3 WEF triggers NEMA (Act No. 107 of 1998, as amended) EIA Regulations (2014, as amended) Listing Notice 1, 2, and 3 activities, including Listing Notice 2 Activity 1 for the development of facilities or infrastructure for the generation of large-scale renewable energy; and therefore, requires a Scoping and EIA Process. Coastal and Environmental Services (Pty) Ltd, trading as “CES”, have been appointed to undertake the required Scoping and EIA Process. The Competent Authority for this Application for EA is the national Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE).


Tuesday, March 14, 2023 - 10:31







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