Heritage Cases



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SAHRA Application Closure

Please note the following concerning applications submitted to the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA) during the December 2023 to January 2024 period.

The full notice is available here: Notice

Special Notice

Following comments received on the proposed Revised Schedule of Fees for applications made to the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA), made in terms of Section 25(2)(l) of the National Heritage Resources Act No. 25 of 1999 (NHRA) and published in the Government Gazette of 22 July 2022, SAHRA hereby publishes the final Revised Schedule of Fees for Applications made to SAHRA. Applications for provision of services submitted to the South African Heritage Resources Authority (SAHRA), in terms of the National Heritage Resources Act, No. 25 of 1999 (NHRA) must be accompanied by a payment of the appropriate fee, taking effect from 1 January 2023

Revised Schedule of Fees for Applications made to the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA)

Proposed Angora Wind Farm which forms part of the Great Karoo Wind Energy Facility development near Richmond in the Northern Cape





Development Type: 


Great Karoo Renewable Energy (Pty) Ltd is proposing the development of a commercial wind farm and associated infrastructure on a site located approximately 35km south-west of Richmond and 80km south-east of Victoria West, within the Ubuntu Local Municipality and the Pixley Ka Seme District Municipality in the Northern Cape Province. A preferred project site with an extent of ~29 909ha and a development area of ~4 544ha within the project site has been identified by Great Karoo Renewable Energy (Pty) Ltd as a technically suitable area for the development of the Angora Wind Farm with a contracted capacity of up to 140MW that can accommodate up to 45 turbines. The development area consists of the four (4) affected properties, which include: Portion 11 of Farm Gegundefontein 53 Portion 0 of Farm Vogelstruisfontein 84 Portion 1 of Farm Rondavel 85 Portion 0 of Farm Rondavel 85 The Angora Wind Farm project site is proposed to accommodate the following infrastructure, which will enable the wind farm to supply a contracted capacity of up to 140MW: Up to 45 wind turbines with a maximum hub height of up to 170m. The tip height of the turbines will be up to 250m. Concrete turbine foundations to support the turbine hardstands. Inverters and transformers. Temporary laydown areas which will accommodate storage and assembly areas. Cabling between the turbines, to be laid underground where practical. A temporary concrete batching plant. 33/132kV onsite facility substation. Underground cabling from the onsite substation to the 132kV collector substation. Electrical and auxiliary equipment required at the collector substation that serves that wind energy facility, including switchyard/bay, control building, fences, etc. Battery Energy Storage System (BESS). Access roads and internal distribution roads. Site offices and maintenance buildings, including workshop areas for maintenance and storage. The wind farm is proposed in response to the identified objectives of the national and provincial government and local and district municipalities to develop renewable energy facilities for power generation purposes. It is the developer’s intention to bid the Angora Wind Farm under the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy’s (DMRE’s) Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement (REIPPP) Programme, with the aim of evacuating the generated power into the national grid. This will aid in the diversification and stabilisation of the country’s electricity supply, in line with the objectives of the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) with the Angora Wind Farm set to inject up to 140MW into the national grid.


Monday, November 15, 2021 - 16:58





  1. PDF icon SE3126 - 00. Angora WF DSR 12.11.2021.pdf
  2. PDF icon SE3126 - Angora WEF AppA - EIA Project Consulting Team and Specialist CVs.pdf
  3. PDF icon SE3126 - Angora WEF AppB - Authority Consultation.pdf
  4. PDF icon SE3126 - Angora WEF AppC1 - I&AP Database.pdf
  5. PDF icon SE3126 - Angora WEF AppC2 - Site Notices & Newspaper Adverts.pdf
  6. PDF icon SE3126 - Angora WEF AppC3 - Background Information Document.pdf
  7. PDF icon SE3126 - Angora WEF AppC4 - Organs of State Correspondence.pdf
  8. PDF icon SE3126 - Angora WEF AppC5 - Stakeholder Correspondence.pdf
  9. PDF icon SE3126 - Angora WEF AppC6 - Comments Received.pdf
  10. PDF icon SE3126 - Angora WEF AppC7 - Minutes of Meetings.pdf
  11. PDF icon SE3126 - Angora WEF AppC8 - Comments and Responses Report.pdf
  12. PDF icon SE3126 - Angora WEF AppC9 - PP Plan&Approval.pdf
  13. PDF icon SE3126 - Angora WEF AppD - Ecological Scoping Assessment.pdf
  14. PDF icon SE3126 - Angora WEF AppE - Avifauna Scoping Assessment.pdf
  15. PDF icon SE3126 - Angora WEF AppF - Bat Scoping Assessment.pdf
  16. PDF icon SE3126 - Angora WEF AppG - Soils and Freshwater Scoping Assessment.pdf
  17. PDF icon SE3126 - Angora WEF AppI - Noise Scoping Assessment.pdf
  18. PDF icon SE3126 - Angora WEF AppJ - Visual Scoping Assessment.pdf
  19. PDF icon SE3126 - Angora WEF AppK - Social Scoping Assessment.pdf
  20. PDF icon SE3126 - Angora WEF AppL - Traffic Scoping Assessment.pdf
  21. PDF icon SE3126 - Angora WEF AppM - Maps (A3).pdf
  22. PDF icon SE3126 - Angora WEF AppN - Specialist Declarations.pdf
  23. PDF icon SE3126 - Angora WEF AppO - DFFE Screening Report.pdf
  24. PDF icon SE3126 - Angora WEF AppP - EAP Declaration of Independence and Affirmation.pdf
  25. PDF icon 01. Angora WF Final Scoping Report.pdf
  26. PDF icon Angora WEF AppA - EIA Project Consulting Team and Specialist CVs.pdf
  27. PDF icon Angora WEF AppB - Authority Consultation.pdf
  28. PDF icon Angora WEF AppC1 - PP Plan&Approval.pdf
  29. PDF icon Angora WEF AppC3 - Site Notices & Newspaper Adverts.pdf
  30. PDF icon Angora WEF AppC4 - Background Information Document.pdf
  31. PDF icon Angora WEF AppC5 - Organs of State Correspondence.pdf
  32. PDF icon Angora WEF AppC6 - I&AP Correspondence.pdf
  33. PDF icon Angora WEF AppC7 - Comments Received.pdf
  34. PDF icon Angora WEF AppC8 - Meeting Notes.pdf
  35. PDF icon Angora WEF AppC9 - Comments&Responses Report.pdf
  36. PDF icon Angora WEF AppD - Ecological Scoping Assessment.pdf
  37. PDF icon Angora WEF AppE - Avifauna Scoping Assessment.pdf
  38. PDF icon Angora WEF AppF - Bat Scoping Assessment.pdf
  39. PDF icon Angora WEF AppG - Soils and Freshwater Scoping Assessment.pdf
  40. PDF icon Angora WEF AppI - Noise Scoping Assessment.pdf
  41. PDF icon Angora WEF AppJ - Visual Scoping Assessment.pdf
  42. PDF icon Angora WEF AppK - Social Scoping Assessment.pdf
  43. PDF icon Angora WEF AppL - Traffic Scoping Assessment.pdf
  44. PDF icon Angora WEF AppM - Maps (A3).pdf
  45. PDF icon Angora WEF AppN - Specialist Declarations.pdf
  46. PDF icon Angora WEF AppO - DFFE Screening Report.pdf
  47. PDF icon Angora WEF AppP - EAP Declaration of Independence and Affirmation.pdf
  48. PDF icon App C2-I&AP Database.pdf
  49. PDF icon 0.Angora WF DSR (Jul23)_Final.pdf
  50. PDF icon Angora WEF AppA - EIA Project Consulting Team and Specialist CVs.pdf
  51. PDF icon Angora WEF AppB - Auth correspondence.pdf
  52. PDF icon Angora WEF AppC1 - I&AP Database.pdf
  53. PDF icon Angora WEF AppC2 - Site Notices & Newspaper Adverts.pdf
  54. PDF icon Angora WEF AppC3 - Background Information Document.pdf
  55. PDF icon Angora WEF AppC4 - Organs of State Correspondence.pdf
  56. PDF icon Angora WEF AppC5 - I&AP Correspondence.pdf
  57. PDF icon Angora WEF AppC6 - Comments Received.pdf
  58. PDF icon Angora WEF AppC7 - Meeting Notes.pdf
  59. PDF icon Angora WEF AppC8 - Comments&Responses Report.pdf
  60. PDF icon Angora WEF AppD - Ecological Scoping Assessment.pdf
  61. PDF icon Angora WEF AppE - Avifauna Scoping Assessment.pdf
  62. PDF icon Angora WEF AppF - Bat Scoping Assessment.pdf
  63. PDF icon Angora WEF AppG - Soils and Freshwater Scoping Assessment.pdf
  64. PDF icon Angora WEF AppI - Noise Scoping Assessment.pdf
  65. PDF icon Angora WEF AppJ - Visual Scoping Assessment.pdf
  66. PDF icon Angora WEF AppK - Social Scoping Assessment.pdf
  67. PDF icon Angora WEF AppL - Traffic Scoping Assessment.pdf
  68. PDF icon Angora WEF AppM - Maps (A3).pdf
  69. PDF icon Angora WEF AppN - Specialist Declarations.pdf
  70. PDF icon Angora WEF AppO - Screening report.pdf
  71. PDF icon Angora WEF AppP - EAP Declaration of Independence and Affirmation.pdf

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