Heritage Cases



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Special Notice

Following comments received on the proposed Revised Schedule of Fees for applications made to the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA), made in terms of Section 25(2)(l) of the National Heritage Resources Act No. 25 of 1999 (NHRA) and published in the Government Gazette of 22 July 2022, SAHRA hereby publishes the final Revised Schedule of Fees for Applications made to SAHRA. Applications for provision of services submitted to the South African Heritage Resources Authority (SAHRA), in terms of the National Heritage Resources Act, No. 25 of 1999 (NHRA) must be accompanied by a payment of the appropriate fee, taking effect from 1 January 2023

Revised Schedule of Fees for Applications made to the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA)

The proposed restoration and maintenance of the Blue Stone Quarry Wall, Robben Island.





Case Type: 




Robben Island World Heritage Site, located off the coast of the Western Cape region of South Africa, has been on the World Heritage List since 1999, and is recognised as a place of outstanding universal value. The Blue Stone Quarry (BSQ) forms part of the Robben Island World Heritage Site because it is situated on the North West side of Robben Island. However, the Quarry is also considered to have significant heritage value in its own context because it was where political and law prisoners were forced to work while servicing their sentence at the Robben Island Prison. Quarry activities began in 1963 and ceased in 1978 as a result of pressure from International Committee of the Red Cross who advocated for the rights of prisoners. The Blue Stone Quarry subsequently closed, but the Department of Correctional Services maintained the quarry until 1997 when Robben Island Museum took over the responsibility of the maintenance activities. Before the prisoners started working in the quarry, they built the Stone Wall or dyke to separate the sea from the quarry. The wall was built mainly to prevent sea water from entering the quarry and resultantly disturbing the operations on the site. The Wall was made from the locally available materials on the site; for example, sand, sea shells and beach pebbles. In September 2001, a maritime storm destroyed a middle section of the Quarry’s main Stone Wall resulting in the tide breaking into the quarry and creating a wide gap fifteen metres (15m) wide. It was later severely damaged by the actions of sea waves. Since then, the Stone Wall has shown signs of general collapse because of environmental disturbances. The fragility of the Stone Wall rendered it ‘sensitive heritage’ from a conservation perspective. As part of preserving the historical significance of the BSQ, the Applicant/Developer (Robben Island) proposes the restoration and maintenance of the Robben Island BSQ Wall and limestone pathway that runs along the top of the wall. The restoration and/or maintenance of the Blue Stone Quarry Wall includes conserving the dry-stone walls by: • Reinstating the breached section of the BSQ wall (approximately 82 m long). • Repairing damaged sections of the walls that are currently standing. • Repairing the Quarry Revetment ring walls. • Repairing any future damages within the next five years to walls and associated infrastructure. Robben Island Museum aim to maintain the historical integrity of the BSQ wall and thus, will be reinstating the breached section and other damaged areas using restoration methodologies recommended in international conservation charters such as the Burra Charter (1999) for places of Cultural significance. Suitable debris from the collapsed wall will be recycled while new material will be added to strengthen the wall. No concrete or heavy machinery will be used as part of the reinstatement. The reinstatement of the wall is a restoration of the quarry environment to its original state and will ensure the quarry retains its heritage value. The proposed activity thus entails a ‘like for like’ reinstatement of the breached section of the wall


Wednesday, February 10, 2021 - 13:42





  1. PDF icon 7A BSQW Implementation Plan SEP 2020 UPDATED.pdf
  2. PDF icon Edward Matenga Statement of Competency.pdf
  3. PDF icon Condition Survey of the walls & photo documentation Nov 2019
  4. PDF icon Map of the Quarry with contours Nov 2019
  5. PDF icon Map of the Quarry without contours Nov 2019
  6. PDF icon Engagement with Ex-political Prisoners
  7. PDF icon Experimental Wall Report
  8. PDF icon 01 Final Maintenance Management Plan.pdf
  9. PDF icon 11 Appendix F - Public Participation Report.pdf
  10. PDF icon 12 Appendix F1 - Background information document (first PPP).pdf
  11. PDF icon 13 Appendix F1 - Background information document (Reivsed PPP).pdf
  12. PDF icon 30 Appendix F414 - Comment and Response Report.pdf
  13. PDF icon 31 Appendix F415 - Comment and Response Report.pdf
  14. PDF icon 32 Appendix F5 - Proof of written notification to Organs of State.pdf
  15. PDF icon 14 Appendix F2 - Proof of placement Advertisements and Site Notices.pdf
  16. PDF icon 15 Appendix F3 - Proof of written notification to Land Owners.pdf
  17. PDF icon 16 Appendix F4 -Comment and Response Report.pdf
  18. PDF icon 17 Appendix F41 - Comment and response report.pdf
  19. PDF icon 18 Appendix F42 - Comment and response report.pdf
  20. PDF icon 19 Appendix F43 - Comment and response report.pdf
  21. PDF icon 20 Appendix F44 - Comment and response report.pdf
  22. PDF icon 21 Appendix F45 - Comment and response report.pdf
  23. PDF icon 22 Appendix F46 - Comment and response report.pdf
  24. PDF icon 23 Appendix F47 - Comment and response report.pdf
  25. PDF icon 24 Appendix F48 - Comment and Response Report.pdf
  26. PDF icon 25 Appendix F49 - Comment and Response Report.pdf
  27. PDF icon 26 Appendix F410 - Comment and Response Report.pdf
  28. PDF icon 27 Appendix F411 - Comment and Response Report.pdf
  29. PDF icon 28 Appendix F412 - Comment and Response Report.pdf
  30. PDF icon 29 Appendix F413 - Comment and Response Report.pdf
  31. PDF icon MMP Approval.pdf
  32. PDF icon Correspondence with EPPA.pdf
  33. PDF icon Proof of Appeal Period July 2021.pdf

Public Comments

Displaying 1 - 1 of 1

Linda Penicela
2 years 11 months ago
Robben Island Museum

Please see uploaded documents, EPPA Correspondence and Proof of Appeal.


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