


Please be aware that no content and application creation or changes to information on this version of SAHRIS will be retained.

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Changes to SAHRIS!

The South African Heritage Resources Information System (SAHRIS) has undergone a generational upgrade and restructure. These changes to the site include, but are not limited to:

  • A new & modernised look and layout
  • Improved site usage flows with respect to applications and content creation
  • Improved site performance and stability

Launch for the new version of SAHRIS occurred on Monday the 30th of October 2023.

The new site can be found here:


Displaying 1901 - 1950 of 3682
PermitID Title Activities PermitDate PDF of Permit
2152 Rescue of accidenally discovered Human Remains in Makgodu Borekwa Village in Limpopo. Rescue Relocation
18/12/2015 to 19/12/2016
2153 Wonderwerk Cave excavation, Northern Cape Excavation
01/01/2016 to 01/12/2019
PDF icon Permit 2153.pdf
2154 Lonmin CMP Activities Maintenance/Restoration, Conservation
18/12/2015 to 19/12/2016
2157 Continued Scientific Investigations at the Taung World Heritage Site Excavation, Sampling, Collection
15/05/2015 to 31/05/2018
PDF icon 7239 excavation_permit_Taung_amended_8Jan2016.pdf
2158 Argent Siding: Grave Relocations Remove from its original position
26/01/2016 to 26/01/2017
2159 Cintsa East Wreck Timber 2 Remove from its original position, Conservation
13/01/2016 to 13/01/2017
PDF icon permit_2016-01-13.pdf
21/01/2016 to 23/01/2017
2161 Naledi Industrial Park Relocation
21/01/2016 to 23/01/2017
2162 Erection of two temporary structures at Kromdraai for storage (CONTAINER) and accommodation (prefabricated hut) Additions
18/01/2016 to 31/01/2017
PDF icon 8992 alteration_permit_Kromdraai_two_structures.pdf
2163 Temporary export of Karoo vertebrate fossils for synchtron scanning Export (Temporary)
25/01/2016 to 31/01/2017
PDF icon 9032 export_permit_Karoo_vertebrates.pdf
2164 Radiocarbon dating of the Late Pleistocene Later Stone Age deposits at Boomplaas rockshelter Export (Permanent)
25/01/2016 to 25/01/2017
PDF icon 8705 export_permit_Boomplaas-Dating.pdf
2165 Export permit for Frans David Oerder 'At the Well' Export (Permanent) 25/01/2016 PDF icon At the Well.pdf
2166 Export of mastic samples from Melkhoutboom Cave objects and two hafted implements, Albany Museum Export (Temporary)
05/02/2016 to 28/02/2017
PDF icon 9017 permit_export_Melkhoutboom_cave.pdf
2167 Export permit for Irma Stern 'Still Life with Anenomes' Export (Permanent) 25/01/2016 PDF icon Still life with Anemones.pdf
2168 Export permit for Irma Stern 'Woman with a Yellow Scarf' Export (Permanent) 25/01/2016 PDF icon Woman with a Yellow Scarf.pdf
2169 Export permit for Jacob H Pierneef 'Landscape with trees' Export (Permanent) 25/01/2016 PDF icon Landscape with trees.pdf
2170 Export permit for Jacob H Pierneef 'Maluti mountains at Ficksburg' Export (Permanent) 25/01/2016 PDF icon Maluti Mountains.pdf
2171 Export permit for Jacob H Pierneef 'Small landscape' Export (Permanent) 25/01/2016 PDF icon Small Landscape.pdf
2172 Export permit for Vladimir Griegorovich 'Still life of Anthuriums' Export (Permanent) 25/01/2016 PDF icon Still Life of Anthuriums.pdf
2173 Export permit for Jacob H Pierneef 'Free State Landscape' Export (Permanent) 25/01/2016
2174 DNA Homo naledi Dating, Export (Temporary)
12/02/2016 to 30/06/2017
PDF icon 9086 export_permit_DNA_Homo_naledi.pdf
2175 ESR dating Homo naledi Dating, Export (Temporary)
12/02/2016 to 30/06/2017
PDF icon 9083 export_permit_ESR_Homo_naledi.pdf
2176 Sampling of Khoesan dental/skeletal remains Export (Permanent)
05/02/2016 to 31/01/2017
PDF icon 6581 permit_export_Khoesan_remains_samples.pdf
2177 43434 Analysis
27/01/2016 to 27/01/2019
2178 Camden Ash Dam Grave Relocation Phase 2 Remove from its original position
28/02/2016 to 28/02/2018
2179 Kgwaggafontein North Grave Relocations - Phase 2 Remove from its original position
12/02/2016 to 13/02/2017
2180 Archaeological Mitigation for the Platreef Project Collection, Test Excavation, Dating
23/05/2016 to 31/05/2017
PDF icon 7229 permit_Platreef_project_May2016.pdf
2181 Export permit for Anton van Wouw 'Skapu player' Export (Permanent) 10/02/2016 PDF icon Permit.pdf
2182 Homo naledi radiocarbon dating Export (Temporary), Dating
12/02/2016 to 30/06/2017
PDF icon 9088 export_permit_radiocarbon_dating_Homo_naledi.pdf
2183 Two possible graves,Onderstepoort 266 JR, Soshanguve,Tshwane Test Excavation, Remove from its original position
11/02/2016 to 13/02/2017
2184 The Ruins of Gamabot: The Historical Archaeology of an African Farming Community Excavation
16/02/2016 to 28/02/2017
PDF icon 8905 excavation_permit_Ruins_of_Gamabot.pdf
2185 Export permit for Hugo Naude 'Namaqualand landscape' Export (Permanent) 12/02/2016 PDF icon Permit for Hugo Naude 'Namaqualand landscape'.pdf
2186 Export permit for Hugo Naude 'Seascape with Spring flowers Export (Permanent) 12/02/2016 PDF icon Permit for Hugo Naude 'Seascape with spring flowers'.pdf
2187 Export permit for Irma Stern 'Cape Seascape' Export (Permanent) 12/02/2016 PDF icon Permit for Irma Stern 'Cape Seascape'.pdf
2188 Bettys Bay BRM export permit Export (Temporary)
16/02/2016 to 31/12/2016
PDF icon 9037 export_permit_BRM_potsherds.pdf
2189 Export permit for JH Pierneef 'Bosveld, Wildtuin' Export (Permanent) 12/02/2016 PDF icon Permit for JH Pierneef 'Bosveld, Wildtuin'.pdf
2190 Export permit for JH Pierneef 'Mountain landscape' Export (Permanent) 12/02/2016 PDF icon Permit for JH Pierneef 'Mountain Landscape.pdf
2191 Tempe Sewer Grave Rescue Analysis, Conservation
22/02/2016 to 22/02/2017
2192 Taung World Heritage Site Alteration, Additions
23/02/2016 to 23/02/2018
2193 Taung World Heritage Site: The Access Ramp Alteration, Additions
23/02/2016 to 23/02/2018
2194 Gamohana Excavations Excavation, Sampling, Analysis
08/03/2016 to 31/12/2018
PDF icon 8617 permit_excavations_Gamohana.pdf
2195 Export of 8 Sibudu stone tools Export (Temporary)
03/03/2016 to 30/09/2016
PDF icon 9139 permit_export_Sibudu_stone_tools.pdf
2198 Taung Skull World Heritage Site: Protection of sensitive sites- Equus cave Alteration, Additions, Excavation
02/03/2016 to 02/03/2019
2199 Kathu Pan 1 handaxe permit for temporary export to British Museum exhibition Export (Temporary)
01/09/2016 to 31/03/2017
PDF icon 9130 permit_export_Kathu_Pan_handaxe.pdf
2200 Kenilworth Head permit for temporary export to British Museum exhibition Export (Temporary)
01/09/2016 to 31/03/2017
PDF icon 9122 permit_export_Kenilworth_Head.pdf
2201 Exhibition on South African Art Export (Temporary)
01/09/2016 to 31/03/2017
PDF icon 9149 permit_export_SA_Iron_Age_Items.pdf
2202 Export permit for Irma Stern 'Mother and Child' Export (Permanent) 03/03/2016 PDF icon Mother and child permit.pdf
2203 Temporary export of museum objects for the South Africa exhibition at the British Museum Export (Temporary)
01/09/2016 to 31/03/2017
PDF icon 9205 permit_export_SA_heritage_objects_Iziko_to_BM.pdf
2204 Taung Skull world Heritage Site: protection of sensitive sites- Blackhearth cave Alteration, Additions, Conservation, Maintenance/Restoration
07/03/2016 to 07/03/2019
2207 Extension Permit 2:Partial Exhumation of Black River Cemetery
16/03/2017 to 16/03/2018



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